I did a little thread on the bird site about the currencies anarchist communes in the spanish revolution adopted (after they all tried coordinating without money and couldn't make it work).

It's a less known component of #anarchist history, and thought the fediverse should also see.

@rechelon hey this sounds mighty interesting. Could you please share some of your sources as well? Especially around the ways the communes handled cash flow and exchange rates. Currency theory is something that interests me a lot as a former semiotics student, as an anarchist and as a geek (if you think about it, currency in is a communication and transport protocol)

Thank you in advance!


Sadly it's been over a decade since I really dived into this stuff. And I also had the benefit of an anarchist spanish civil war historian as a housemate. A lot of history is still in spanish too. But if you're interested in doing this research more extensively C4SS could maybe pay you a small bounty for a paper or article?

@rechelon I wish I had the time... Bills won't pay themselves :/ but if you could point me to any of those Spanish sources (I am Italian so reading Spanish is a no brainer for me) I'd love to start collecting some info

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