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Guess forcing Solus to mount the swap partition on boot wasn't a smart move... Gotta reinstall from scratch now LOL

Antanicus boosted

If the latest scientific research is only available to people with the most resources, then the next breakthroughs will only come from that group.

Antanicus boosted

"A post-apocalyptic multiplayer survival game with a blockchain based economy and true digital scarcity."

Is this peak buzzword?

Antanicus boosted

Yeah sex is great but do you ever tried pareggio di bilancio

Antanicus boosted
Antanicus boosted
Antanicus boosted
Antanicus boosted

Sorry, I couldn't resist. This is too much power for a simple rotating chicken/duck like me

Antanicus boosted


E non sto nemmeno a menzionare le donne del YPJ perché li davvero siamo su altri pianeti...

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Antanicus boosted

A volte guardando le foto degli eventi nei centri sociali mi capita di pensare che diamo una immagine davvero misera di tutto quello che vogliamo rappresentare. Per dire, guardate una qualsiasi foto scattata agli eventi della Black Panther Party, o il modo in cui si presentava il battaglione Malatesta in Spagna...

Ma ndo cazzo volemo annà con quei cappelli peruviani?

Overall, I am very impressed by the latest GNOME live environment. Fast, easy to set up and beautifully themed. I might seriously consider giving it some room on my hard drive...

“They have a young, energetic leadership and a different style of doing politics – straight-talking, acknowledging the limits of what can and can’t be done … A mix of ideology and pragmatism that puts individual, everyday choices at the heart of politics again. There’s no real comms strategy, no spin.”

Just came across this sweet little tool while looking for a way to port my pm-utils scripts to Solus Linux:

The default config is enough to get 90% of powertop's tunables to "good" on my 2014 XPS13

Antanicus boosted

La vita da expat è quella cosa che quando trovi i tortellini della Conad che in Italia manco daresti ai cani, fai festa come se fossi a cena dalla nonna brava che cucina bene.

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Un'istanza mastodon antifascista prevalentemente italofona con base a Bologna - Manifesto - Cosa non si può fare qui

An antifa mostly-italian speaking mastodon istance based in Bologna - About us - What you can't do here

Tech stuff provided by Collettivo Bida