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Lo schifo.

"A Roma manifesto di 250 metri quadri contro l'aborto - Inziativa Pro Vita e Famiglia,'Greta salviamo i cuccioli d'uomo' (ANSA)"

Marilena boosted

Rain levels are at 100% and they have rott' il gazz'

(100%) ■■■■■■■■■■

Marilena boosted
Marilena boosted
Marilena boosted
Marilena boosted
Marilena boosted

self-esteem levels are currently at 51% but fluctuating wildly

(51%) ■■■■■□□□□□

Marilena boosted
Marilena boosted

Traitement injustement différencié dans le sport : alors que l'une est condamnée à prendre un lourd traitement hormonal si elle veut poursuivre la compétition à haut niveau, on vante les qualités de l'autre et on le dit chanceux que la nature lui ait donné "cet avantage génétique". :feministfist: :feministfist:

Marilena boosted
Marilena boosted

horny levels are 63% and steady

(63%) ■■■■■■□□□□

Marilena boosted
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Un'istanza mastodon antifascista prevalentemente italofona con base a Bologna - Manifesto - Cosa non si può fare qui

An antifa mostly-italian speaking mastodon istance based in Bologna - About us - What you can't do here

Tech stuff provided by Collettivo Bida