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10/11/12 Maggio 2019
a Torino

«I lavoratori non seppero opporre la violenza alla violenza perché erano stati educati a credere nella legalità...»

Souvarine boosted

We need a social revolution to bring capitalism to its knees, to become a part of the natural world once again.
We need to start the war against civilization, to stop the downfall of Gaia. NOW!

The persistence of this world weighs upon our shoulders.
And we have been shaped by time and duty to bear it.

We need to abolish western civilization.
For it alienates us from this once living world.

They call it progress, we call it slavery.
They call it society, we call it captivity.
They call it technology, we call it oppression.
They call it democracy, we call it fascism.

Degradation and greed for ten thousand years
tore apart what was once a whole.

L’educazione significa costrizione per l’allievo anche se tutto sembra accadere con gioia e acquiescenza, perché il bambino sa bene ciò che implicitamente lo minaccia se non collabora. Fondamentalmente, educazione significa non accettare il bambino nel suo essere, non rispettarlo né tollerarlo in quanto tale, ma volerlo cambiare (o «migliorare»).

Benjamin Kiesewetter

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An antifa mostly-italian speaking mastodon istance based in Bologna - About us - What you can't do here

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