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La realtà supera la fiction, "sorvegliato speciale" post scriptum.

TdQ :firefox: :tux: boosted

Amazon: "don't join a union, they aren't good for you"

Also Amazon:

TdQ :firefox: :tux: boosted

Roman Anin has been released, but has to appear for questioning on Monday. His electronic devices have been confiscated.

This is a good reminder to encrypt your phone memory, and use full disk encryption on your laptop and external storage, especially if you're working in journalism.

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Have I Been Facebooked?

Controlla se i tuoi dati fanno parte della violazione avvenuta su Facebook nell'Aprile del 2021.

TdQ :firefox: :tux: boosted

Facebook has *such* a sweet racket. First, they used the Roach Motel model - data checks in, but it doesn't check out - to trap you and all your friends in a mutual hostage-taking situation, where you can't leave because they're there, and they can't leave because you're there.


Delega sulle politiche antidroga alla ministra antiproibizionista Dadone. Fdi e Fi attaccano. Gasparri: “Se legalizza governo è morto”
Per Matteo Salvini (Lega) “la droga, ogni droga, è morte. Nessun regalo agli spacciatori”

(come non capirci un cazzo ed andarne molto fieri)

Gli Stati Uniti incarcerano molte più persone di qualsiasi altra nazione.

Infografica - Molto interessanti i commenti (inglese)

The U.S. locks up far more people than any other nation. Check out this incredible infographic

Sto affilando il machete per festeggiare la Santissimissima Pasqua, ancora una volta, con un fiume di sangue.
Vado a sgozzare anche quest'anno qualche milione di giovani patate da fare al forno come vuole la tradizione dei sanguinari seguaci bigotti.

Evviva Aggesù!
Sempre sia lodato.

(Se proprio siete dei tradizionalisti e non potete fare a meno di sacrificare qualcosa, piuttosto che un agnello, ricordatevi del Cuore Immacolatissimo di Maria)

TdQ :firefox: :tux: boosted

**New York state passes bill legalising recreational cannabis**

"US state government estimates that the change could net an additional $350m in annual tax revenues and create more jobs."

TdQ :firefox: :tux: boosted

Ormai non ci credo nemmeno un po', però la posto ugualmente perché è bella. 😀

TdQ :firefox: :tux: boosted
TdQ :firefox: :tux: boosted

Dínamopress fa un número su "l'era delle piattaforme", ma il fediverso con 5000 piattaforme non è menzionato nemmeno di striscio. La critica al potere (che brilla della luce riflessa del potere) ha più appeal del sostegno al contropotere.

⚡ WhatsApp
May 15 is coming. Do the right thing before it's too late.

In less than two months, starting May 15, anyone who doesn't agree to the new terms of service, which include data sharing with Facebook, will no longer be able to access the instant messaging app.

TdQ :firefox: :tux: boosted

amazon workers' (bad) conditions 

“Amazon workers with whom I spoke said that the practice [of peeing in bottles] was so widespread due to pressure to meet quotas that managers frequently referenced it during meetings and in formal policy documents and emails, which were provided to The Intercept. The practice, these documents show, was known to management, which identified it as a recurring infraction but did nothing to ease the pressure that caused it. In some cases, employees even defecated in bags.”

TdQ :firefox: :tux: boosted

Still think the FSF is relevant and fighting for your rights in the age of surveillance capitalism? Guess who the top donor of FSFE is…

Did you guess Google?

You’re absolutely right.

What a joke!

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Un'istanza mastodon antifascista prevalentemente italofona con base a Bologna - Manifesto - Cosa non si può fare qui

An antifa mostly-italian speaking mastodon istance based in Bologna - About us - What you can't do here

Tech stuff provided by Collettivo Bida