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I don't want "regularly remind people that #Kagi is a bunch of libertarians" to be my job, but as people are currently talking about them more than usual, and many seem to not know about it, let me link to my thread from January about it:

In short, when asked to not collaborate with cryptocurrency-powered, homophobe-led company Brave, Kagi's CEO responded with things like "Politics finding its way into tech is one of the reason we do not have innovation any more."

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[IT] Oops, stiamo avendo dei problemi con alcuni servizi per via di un aggiornamento interno che non è andato come previsto. Stiamo lavorando ad una soluzione...

[EN] Oops, we're having some temporary technical issues with web services, due to an internal update that did not go as expected. We're working on a solution.

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che funzia egregiamente da più di 20 anni e con una donazione supporti un servizio e delle persone che l'ultima cosa che vogliono è: farsi i cazzi tua ;)


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I mean this in a loving way, but I have never encountered as many avowed anti-capitalists, communists, and anarchists as when working at Google.

And it's not that your career choices must perfectly reflect your ideals... but there's gonna be a lot of tombstones engraved with "he only partook in apex capitalism as a joke".

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Online anonymity: study found ‘stable pseudonyms’ created a more civil environment than real user names 

'What matters, it seems, is not so much whether you are commenting anonymously, but whether you are invested in your persona and accountable for its behaviour in that particular forum. There seems to be value in enabling people to speak on forums without their comments being connected, via their real names, to other contexts.

...calls to end anonymity online by forcing people to reveal their real identities might not have the effects people expect'

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I've been banging the "usable security or bust" drum for over a decade, but I'd never properly considered the implications of security-after-death. This thread is so critical for anyone building security systems to read:

I've built production systems for people under direct threat from state-level actors. Your system probably isn't one of those, and if it is, you *really* know. Building "really secure" systems is a fun technical challenge, but usually Not Our Actual Job.

Also, no way to report the phishing -- you have to know that DDG just repackages Bing results, so you should be filing a report with Microsoft. This just isn't serious.

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Things I don't like about DuckDuckGo: it appears Bing has deindexed, so now if you search for "noblogs" on DDG you get a nice phishing site :(


So we decided to get serious with self-managed machine learning, which is going to require adapting our infrastructure for running inference tasks.

This brings us to the issue of "data pushes", and since I could not find any nice open source tooling in this space, it's time for a little prototype like

which attempts to do so (quite trivially for now) in a simple and UNIX-y fashion.

Authentication-Results: i=2;; arc=pass (i=1); ...

well that's a good result for a few hours of weekend tinkering

Cleaned up and published some of our Debian-related tooling here:

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The Orange Book 2
Orange Book 2: un grimorio per creare e mantenere una rete di server per hacking e politica

Secondo volume del “come facciamo le cose e soprattutto perché”
Stampate, leggete, passate parola e se vi va… scriveteci anche!

Appena tradotto anche in Inglese!

Come funziona E soprattutto, perché funziona in un determinato modo?
Lo scopo di questo documento è esaminare

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E' morto Angelo #Baracca, scienziato per il #disarmo e attivista #pacifista.
Faceva parte della redazione di #PeaceLink e dell'agenzia stampa #Pressenza.
Domani Il Manifesto gli dedicherà una pagina.
PeaceLink esprime il suo cordoglio. E' un momento di grande commozione per chi lo ha conosciuto.

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I am not open to your ahistorical take on Google Chat and XMPP.

Google didn't do anything wrong by using an open standard.

They didn't do anything wrong by building a good interface that people liked to use.

And they didn't do anything wrong by disconnecting from the network when the spam and harassment outweighed the benefit to their users.

We, the XMPP community, failed to capitalize on success by diversifying the network. It's our own fault not enough nodes were there.

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How I use ChatGPT to super power my work:

First, I ask ChatGPT to write something. Then I throw out this result and I channel the rage that the mediocrity of the AI output creates in me into finally getting around to writing the thing.

Huge productivity gain! 💥 💥

#LLM #AI #ChatGPT #Productivity

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Il 21 aprile, all'Archivio dei movimenti di Via Avesella 5/A di Bologna, facciamo 'sta roba qua.

Si parlerà di reti telematiche antagoniste, hacktivismo e mediattivismo. Per un approccio non distopico alle nuove tecnologie. Per un loro hackeraggio e utilizzo sociale.

Per condividere saperi senza fondare poteri!

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Something silly that I've struggled with for a long time is good and uniform access to my remote music library, which is happily organized using

A lot of the possible solutions don't appeal to me, as they involve either a) duplicating metadata or b) playing music through a web browser. I finally managed to hook together MPD + remote beets in a more or less satisfying way by slightly modifying the stock "bpd" plugin:

It's still ridiculously complicated though...

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Newsletter Autistici / Inventati – 2022
Newsletter Autistici/Inventati - Dicembre 2022

[English version below]

Il mondo intorno a noi non ci sembra procedere nella migliore delle direzioni possibili: siamo usciti in qualche modo (potevamo farlo meglio) dalla fase acuta della crisi del covid, per entrare in una tutt'altro che temporanea crisi

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Un'istanza mastodon antifascista prevalentemente italofona con base a Bologna - Manifesto - Cosa non si può fare qui

An antifa mostly-italian speaking mastodon istance based in Bologna - About us - What you can't do here

Tech stuff provided by Collettivo Bida