I'm teaching a fun course on *Creative Research Methods* at the ECPR Summer Methods School, July 22-26 (virtual). ecpr.eu/Events/Event/PanelDeta
You can apply for funding to cover the fees at ecpr.eu/Funding/Funding - ddl for💰 April 15.
Reach out with any questions about the course!
Reposts welcome 🙏

Our #CAISfellow @betty will talk about her research on mutual #aid #activism at our upcoming #CAIScolloquium on 15 Nov. Her talk investigates the experiences of grassroots solidarity activism that emerged in the #Covid19 pandemic to help communities access food and medicine.
Register vie email at kolleg@cais-research.de to join us!👇

Next Wed (15 Nov) at @CAISnrw I'll be giving a *very* work-in-progress talk about my ongoing research on mutual aid activism.

If you're interested, sign up with an email to kolleg@cais-research.de to get access to the livestream.

"Technologies of Solidarity: Digitally Mediated Covid-19 Mutual Aid across Italy, the UK and the US" - cais-research.de/event/technol

I am hiring a Post-Doc researcher for 12 months on a project on Political Incivility on social media with @gba and Sara Bentivegna. Deadline 4 December. Please share!
See pp. 20-22 progetti.unicatt.it/progetti-a

This is just an @adrishaw appreciation post. Adrienne has been a force of nature as local conf chair. She has done SO MUCH to make this conference inclusive, compassionate and intentional. I had no idea how much work went into planning an event like #AoIR2023 , but I also didn't realize how much I would learn. And in particular, I've learned SO much from Adrienne. Thank you for your leadership and energy, this org owes you so so much!!🙏

I learned a lot from our fishbowl session on digital ethnography this morning - amazing participation from folks doing great work! Thanks to the best co-organizers @fernandarosa @jessalingel Jeff Lane & Amy Ross Arguedas

Important conversations about #DigitalEthnography, where Jeff Lane points out the need to avoid thinking of digital methods as something that can help us avoid inconvenience and awkwardness. But #ethnography SHOULD be inconvenient (for researchers) and we need to recognize the inevitability of awkwardness in the field. #AoIR2023

#AoIR2023 kicks off in one week, with our pre-conferences and opening keynote on Wednesday, 18 October. Looking forward to seeing you there!

It's official book launch day! Here's what you can learn from reading this book - a thread.

Preface - what it was like to do research at the height of lockdowns

Intro - why it matters to study a global crisis in real time, the digital inequality framework for looking at differences in people's digital media circumstances & experiences, digital literacy, methods I used (surveys in 3 countries)


I am super excited to share my latest article, which has truly been a long time in the making! It's a methodological piece, which explains my collective drawing research method – the visual focus group (VFG). It's available open access here: journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.11

I developed this research method to investigate how activists imagine digital technologies, but it can be used to address different topics that might feel too trivial, or too complicated for people to talk about in interviews. Collective drawing supports reflexive group conversations.
I think this method could also be used beyond academic research, whenever a complex topic could be addressed by constructive discussions among different stakeholders.

To research participants, colleagues, mentors, students and friends who have helped: thank you very much! ❤️

Final proofs submitted for KIDS ACROSS THE SPECTRUMS: GROWING UP AUTISTIC IN THE DIGITAL AGE, coming out Fall 2023 with MIT Press! Excited to highlight #ActuallyAutistic young people (and some parents) with diverse racial/ethnic/gender backgrounds, talking about the role of media/tech in their daily lives, and how the social study of technology more broadly can benefit from their insights on what it means to "be social" in a hypermediated age.

#disability #criticaltech #commodon #STS #sociology

With all the new interest in Mastodon from #commodon academics, I think it’s worth mentioning that @robertwgehl has (a) been on here since long before it was hip, and (b) been researching and writing about Mastodon and the fediverse. I trust his considered opinions above any hot takes emerging from the current #twittermigration.

Are you using ethnography to study virtual/digital spaces? Is your ethnography either online or in person? Want a group of folks to think with? Please apply to a "Mixed Realities" workshop, being held in person at Yale. Feb 23-24. Boosts appreciated! campuspress.yale.edu/mixedreal

Hey #twittermigrants — the purpose of the Fediverse is NOT to “be like Twitter but not centralized”. It’s it’s own place with its own goals and design choices

It has some similarities, sure. But complaining that Mastodon (or whatever other Fedi software you’re trying) “isn’t like Twitter” is a lot like moving to a small town and complaining it doesn’t work the same as New York

You moved here, take some time to get to know the place. It’s different for very intentional reasons. It’s not meant as a perfect replacement, but an alternative way to have social media on the web.

Bida.im è un server autogestito quindi nessun* è pagato per il mantenimento del servizio ma purtroppo l'infrastruttura ha dei costi inevitabili. Considerando le migliaia di utenti registrate su questa istanza mastodon bastarebbe che ognun* facesse una donazione del costo di una birra per sostenere le spese di un anno. Quindi se avete voglia e la possibilità di supportare questo progetto ci farebbe molto piacere. La pagina da cui fare le donazioni è questa:


Per qualsiasi chiarimento scriveteci.


Mentre dal palco si susseguono gli interventi e la piazza è già gremita il corteo continua a sfilare per entrare in San Giovanni.


Mastodon Bida.im

Un'istanza mastodon antifascista prevalentemente italofona con base a Bologna - Manifesto - Cosa non si può fare qui

An antifa mostly-italian speaking mastodon istance based in Bologna - About us - What you can't do here

Tech stuff provided by Collettivo Bida