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"Pour le colonisé, la vie ne peut surgir que du cadavre en décomposition du colon"

Frantz Fanon, toujours d'actualité.

#palestine #gaza

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⚡ The last hours were full of Turkish bombing across Northern #Syria

➡️ #Kobane - the symbol of resistance - was targeted by Turkish aircraft; smoke rises over the city

#Turkey #Rojava #Türkiye

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Iniziamo alle 7.00 con Sunrise Surprise di @mangiacassettecom
Proseguiamo con @leskozba e @totore.1970 .
Alle 10.00 potete ascoltare lo speciale, nel 43° anniversario della strage fascista della stazione di Bologna del 2 agosto 1980.
Dalle 13.00 ascolteremo le selezioni di Siba e poi @alpaolomazza Ivan @whitenoisedept_ e @madystales.
Dark Side di @nastro_magnetico è alle 18.00 e poi Rock Express di Betty (@portobello_express ).
Alle 21.00 @velvet_2077 e chiudiamo la giornata con Dark Night di @whitenoisedept_
Buon ascolto su

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Care bidane e bidani,

tra le difficoltà di questi tempi bui c'è anche quella di autofinanziare progetti come il nostro. Non sappiamo quando potremo tornare a fare pranzi, cene o serate a sostegno dell'instanza, restano solo le donazioni online. In queste ultime settimane però non sono state sufficienti a coprire le spese di hosting. Crediamo che a fronte dell'isolamento che molte e molti stanno subendo e delle sfide poste dal momento storico all'autorganizzazione sociale, sia ancora più importante di prima avere un ambiente di informazione e discussione libero e sicuro. Noi ce la stiamo mettendo tutta per tenere in piedi la baracca e mantenere il nostro leggendario uptime, ma abbiamo bisogno di una mano.

Per chi può, il link per contribuire è

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This is quite the exposé!

I knew that OpenAI has been using crowd workers for st least the last two years to build instruct-tuning datasets for #ChatGPT. I didn’t know they were also outsourcing violence, hate speech, and sexual abuse labeling to Kenyans for $2/hour.

The work is apparently so traumatic that the outsourcing company, Sama, has cut ties with OpenAI.

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"Autoritario e manesco", in passato vicino a Forza Nuova. Ecco chi è Andrea Pellegrini, il poliziotto che ha torturato Hasib Hasib Omerovic, Andrea Pellegrini e i suoi guai nella polizia: l’attrazione per l’estrema destra, l’arresto negli Usa, il richiamo

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, modificabili
dagli utenti che segnalano in autonomia la presenza di nuove telecamere.

* Il progetto (italiano) Anopticon[0] è una mappa di di creata da una community che si iscrive al servizio e carica foto/info di videocamere trovate. Per visualizzare la mappa invece non è necessario alcun account.
Progetto di mappatura di tutte le telecamere di nei luoghi pubblici.

Towards an understanding of psychedelic-induced neuroplasticity.
Classic psychedelics, such as LSD, psilocybin, and the DMT-containing beverage ayahuasca, show some potential to treat depression, anxiety, and addiction. Importantly, clinical improvements can last for months or years after treatment. It has been theorized that these long-term improvements arise because psychedelics rapidly and lastingly stimulate neuroplasticity. The focus of this review is on answering specific questions about the effects of psychedelics on neuroplasticity.

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The evolution of a multiple Fediverse:

The word refers to the entire galaxy formed by every platform that uses it. Also, most of the Instances that populate this galaxy are interconnected and form a federation. But we are well aware that there are also Instances that have been blocked en masse here (Maga, shitposters,alt-right). And that those instances in fact form a different, -separated- federation. We may see this repeated and the current ActivityPub Galaxy may be populated by three, four or more federations. It is therefore inevitable that in order to distinguish them we will have to give specific names to denote each of these different federations and tomorrow we could find ourselves talking about an "original Fediverse" (us) as opposed to a "Magaverse" and a "Commercialverse" and so on

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Twitter was never a healthy "public square" for most of us. Let's not rewrite history while eulogizing the hellsite.
Twitter was a frightening battleground where we managed barely to claw out an uneasy existence amidst the worst violent neo-Nazi extremists who constantly published our home addresses, threatened our kids' lives, and sent hordes of racist trolls into our mentions.
The same principles that allowed us to survive uneasily on Twitter will be required here in the #fediverse. Community defense, thoughtful pressure on moderation policies, and eternal vigilance.
There are no safe spaces but those we make safe through constant effort. We keep us safe.

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Right now, on Elon Musk's Twitter, the far-right troll who convinced him to block us is comparing us to ISIS, while Musk is still pretending to be a proponent of "free speech."

The comparison to ISIS is especially absurd, because some of our comrades died fighting ISIS while that particular troll's followers were murdering civilians in the US.

Read this eulogy:

Likewise, Musk is not in favor of "free speech." He is banning accounts like ours at the same time that he reintroduces fascists to Twitter.

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Un'istanza mastodon antifascista prevalentemente italofona con base a Bologna - Manifesto - Cosa non si può fare qui

An antifa mostly-italian speaking mastodon istance based in Bologna - About us - What you can't do here

Tech stuff provided by Collettivo Bida