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Persino, che da anni ormai ospita marchette di amazon, google, Microsoft quotidianamente, mascherandole da articoli o pezzi di informazioni, finalmente si accorge della situazione critica generata dal capitalismo della sorveglianza.

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#microsoft cannot 'buy' #linux itself, so it has been buying (bribing) all the 'right' people while telling them (and then they tell us, too!) they "love Linux" (which they don't even use!)
download (3).jpg
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New blog post: The Future of Internet Regulation at the European Parliament

Last week, I gave three talks in Belgium, starting with one titled “Dear regulators, please don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater” at an event on The Future of Internet Regulation organised by the Greens and Pirates at the European Parliament on Tuesday.

This post has a summary, embedded videos of the talk (thank you, @vincib) and a link to my slides.

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ha licenziato 4 dipendenti lunedi`, perche` si occupavano dei diritti dei lavoratori nell'azienda, e stavano organizzando un sindacato.

Car* compagn* continuate pure a boicottare le multinazionali del cibo, del petrolio e dei medicinali come se fosse il 1999, ma mi raccomando, fatevi eco usando la vostra casella di posta su gmail.

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The words "open source" are used sooooo cheaply these days. It's grotesque. #opensource is sooooo meaningless now.
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Google si arricchisce profilandoci, principalmente usando i vostri account.
Poi spende 'sti soldi per finanziare organizzazioni che negano il riscaldamento globale e fanno pesanti azioni di lobby. L'attivismo si fa coi fatti non con le parole. A me sembra che ci siano troppi ambientalisti che utilizzano ancora l'email di google.

Chiudete i vostri account google!

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"I am so proud to see our former #microsoft employee who will help us support a departure from #copyleft and outsourcing to #proprietarysoftware #github managed and hosted by Microsoft"
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GSoC is a perfect way for Google to keep activists quiet, because of the positive thought that, hey, they give back. Yes, Google also sponsors some key software, but it represents a tiny pile of money they can shuffle to tax savings. The cost/benefit in terms of image is illustrated by prominent free software activists saying publicly that GSoC is a good thing.

Both Google and Microsoft are enemies of free software, because they're enemies of freedom.

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@CharredStencil Yes, here "permissive" means "submissive to market appropriation". Choosing a so-called permissive license is allowing corporations to restrict further cooperation : granting people the right to restrict your freedom is not permissive, it's masochistic.

On the other hand so-called "restrictive" licenses only restrict other people from restricting your freedom.

We should revolt against the inversion of meaning so prominent in contemporary propaganda. Orwell warned us.

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@schestowitz Sorry, but no. A movement is not a movement if it depends on only one person, even if he founded it. The Free Software movement will still live on without Stallman as the president.

And the problem with Microsoft is not that they are using #Linux. Linux is for all. The bad thing is, that they use #OpenSource to lock people into their proprietary services. It doesn't matter if Azure or O365 is running on Linux or whatever if they put their customers into a vendor lock-in.

#RMS / #FSF 

parting should be a golden opportunity for the community, and hopefully , to move the battle on Copyleft from a religious to a political ground.

Yes, RMS original ideas are what we fight for, but FSF seems to fail lately to realize the impact Copyleft would have on fair competition and public money in technology.

2020 battle on should have firm political grounds, and recognize , as marketed today, as the actual threat to people's Freedom.

love for permissive licenses is because it makes it very easy for them to invest large amount of money to produce proprietary forks and destroy the competition, which often includes the original author(s), when they resist being acqu-hired.

The new FSF should be confronting their political enemies, not let them in.

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Un'istanza mastodon antifascista prevalentemente italofona con base a Bologna - Manifesto - Cosa non si può fare qui

An antifa mostly-italian speaking mastodon istance based in Bologna - About us - What you can't do here

Tech stuff provided by Collettivo Bida