Da lontano la bandiera di Coldiretti sembra quella di Hezbollah

@Sirsquid@toot.io I am not active enough to have a good pulse on the situation so I am not sure how to interpret the numbers. Naturally 'active users' is skewed towards fresh accounts, which includes people checking Mastodon out of curiosity even if they're not particularly active - here or on Twitter.

A slump is plausible, though: network effect is a big challenge to overcome if your friends or your audience are largely elsewhere. Finding interesting contacts or hopping into conversations outside one's instance also feels a bit rough, I guess.

Still, if active users remain stable at 1.4m active users it would be a remarkable growth.

@zorotl That news came out a few years ago too, didn't it? I remember reading about that (or something very similar).

Most are (very) short stories but I've seen @MicroSFF post some .


enzian boosted

I hope to one day love something as much as rats love bananas

So much for American friendship towards the Vietnamese people.

@GoodRobotAndys The name comes from a record store chain that was active in the Los Angeles area at the time. Still very random, but it's supposed to give a "1970s California" feeling, I guess.

@GoodRobotAndys Nice podcast! I thought that Licorice Pizza was pleasant. Not award-worthy but definitely worth a rewatch sometime. The episodic structure and the setting reminded me of Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, the vibe seemed similar. If you hated that one you're unlikely to enjoy LP either.

Some people paid a lot of attention to the age gap. But it felt tacked at the beginning while being barely visible in the rest of the movie, something which is helped by characterisation (Gary is at school in the first scene but spends the rest of the movie going out for drinks or managing a business; he is also very confident with all kinds of people, shows initiative, and already makes a fair bit of money, while Alana is in a dead end).

@saederup "uBlock Origin" is usually considered the best one

It's supposed to sound 'cute' ... I still don't know how.


Un paio di settimane fa, messaggio in italiano. Prima sms con il solito phishing, poi tentativo di contatto via messaggio Signal ma ho bloccato e basta.

@honiden Per la sinistra l'UBI è un modo per far fronte alla falle del welfare e a scenari di aumento permanente della disoccupazione a causa dell'automazione (che renderebbe sempre più persone 'superflue'). A quel punto per assicurare il minimo necessario e affermare un 'diritto alla sopravvivenza' il reddito di base diventa l'opzione più plausibile.

Però è una rivendicazione da ultima spiaggia, non un progetto utopistico. Spesso invece si tratta l'UBI come se fosse "abolizione del lavoro" ma fatta per legge/dentro il capitalismo.


@honiden Sono molto scettico sulle possibilità radicali del reddito di base. Di per sè non comporta nulla: per il "cosa succede dopo" pure lo smantellamento del resto del welfare state e l'indebolimento delle tutele per i lavoratori ("tanto se sei disoccupato i soldi ce li hai" ... a spese dello Stato) sono possibili.

@Eponimo Ricordo solo l'orrido doppiaggio italiano, con i corvi dall'accento veneto e Fritz che parla romanesco e canta "Quant'è bella Roma" (a New York).

@bamfic@hub.spaz.org @crickxson Possible, but it doesn't explain why now the lowest rate is in Czechia: it was one of the most developed countries in the Eastern bloc so you would think they would also have the largest research infrastructure and the most heritage to reap from. And you wouldn't see Eastern Europe having a bigger divergence than Western when it comes to rates.

There are definitely countries that are doing much better than others (in 2013 70% of Albanian physics PhD were women) and I'm curious about the reason, but there may be a lot of variables to check. A look at other parts of the world is interesting too (e.g., Tunisia's rate is 55.4%, more than any European country).

@crickxson The map isn't completely accurate but it is broadly accurate.
Albania was actually at 44.3% in 2008, and North Macedonia ranks first for the most recent data, followed by Latvia, Lithuania and Serbia.

Source: uis.unesco.org/sites/default/f

@granata Già. Per come la vedo, il razzismo 'ironico' non è altro che razzismo che non più essere giustificato apertamente.

Se non si possono usare i vari pseudoscientismi come settanta od ottanta anni fa allora l'unico modo è distanziarsi dal proprio razzismo, così si può dire qualsiasi cosa senza assumersi responsabilità: si scherzava, si faceva solo ironia o, ancora peggio, si ha "diritto a un opinione" evitando di dire perché o di accettare critiche. Alla fine il risultato è lo stesso, quello che cambia è che non bisogna neanche far finta che sia razionale.

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