OCR Output (chars: 330) 

Carlos Maza 8 @​

Going to therapy makes you better at
resisting fascism. It is WILD how
closely fascist politics map on to the
ways that we, as individuals, avoid
shame, intimacy, and vulnerability.
How much the walls we build around
our communities mirror the walls we
build around ourselves.

OCR Output (chars: 333) 

Carlos Maza § @​

Fascism, capitalism, and masculinity
are all deeply concerned with
protecting us from insecurity — both
of our own desires, and the desires
of others. Learning to tolerate fear
and vulnerability as an individual
makes it harder to be duped by the
far right’s promise of security.

OCR Output (chars: 321) 

Carlos Maza ¥ @​ &

I'm constantly humbled by the ways
that my own self-defense
mechanisms as a gay guy —
avoiding vulnerability, brutalizing
those who “betray” me, being
paranoid and self-loathing — mirror
the ways that fascists attract scared
people. Fear really is the brain killer.

OCR Output (chars: 179) 

Carlos Maza ¥ @​

Which is all to say: admitting that you
need people and are afraid of being
rejected is an act of resistance
against fascism.


Mascolinità tossica, aggregazione da branco, incapacità di mostrarsi fragili e sensibili... No, non manca nulla.

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