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If you want to hide an image as audio, just download an SSTV thing, I use SSTV encoder and robot36 for Android, but if you want to hide any file as audio,


Proud of how the server architecture of and the code of Mastodon is keeping up with the load, but wishing for this to transform into new Mastodon servers springing up.

If you were considering starting a Mastodon server, right now would be a pretty good time. Anyone can do it from source, see docs:

There are also hosting providers (not affiliated with me) which are super easy to work with without technical knowledge, like and

Il babbo Natale del #software libero quest'anno ci ha portato la prima istanza italiana di #PeerTube, un'altra istanza di #Mastonon e una manciata di servizi liberi di Framasoft, per il momento in modalità "test", come #etherpad, #framadate, #wallabag, #lufi, #lstu. Un grazie di cuore a @devol e naturalmente a @Framasoft #softwarelibero #fediverse @filippodb @maupao @quinta @Ca_Gi

Questa mattina e anche le prossime la lotta contro il Nulla che avanza in città non da' tregua.

Una minaccia che ci tiene tuttx sul filo del rasoio proprio durante le feste: lo sgombero del nuovo Spazio in liberazione potrebbe avvenire da un momento all'altro in questi giorni critici.

Cogliamo l'occasione per dire che non ci sarà oggi a mezzogiorno il presidio annunciato all'assemblea pubblica di giovedì, abbiamo tante cose da fare, raccogliamo le forze per essere favolose quel giorno!

L’ex-caserma Sani è DI TUTTE E DI TUTTI!


The last #Windows stronghold in our family conquered. After so many #Windows10 update breakages my wife gave up and asked me to install #Fedora on her laptop. Done with pleasure. 😀

The parable of the wealthy West's approach to the climate crisis:

So we're all living in a house that came with a shared account. We've noticed that the account is already in the red and will hit its limit in 20 weeks or so. If that happens we lose the house

There's one guy who's been spending $50 a day on just about whatever he felt like (threw much of it away when it bored him)
Most everyone else has spent about $5 a day for decades on only basic necessities
They just started plans to buy a few more things

Now this guy tells everyone we need to go to 0 spending in just a few months time
His plan: He will slowly spend less, maybe buying a few things on sale and maybe go down to $30 or so in ten weeks time (and he'll be hoarding food for himself all along the way)
Everyone else he says needs to go to 0 spending at about the same pace and he doesn't really care that they have almost nothing now and won't be able to afford even the bare necessities

Also he's perfectly happy to pass the house laden with debt and with nothing in the account to the next tenants when he moves on


I see way too many people asking around about DNS redirects recently. Those people are exactly the reason why I think #DoH is the right approach.

Regular setup: "I want to redirect all #DNS requests to my local DNS resolver and block #DoT" -> Results in ugly firewall rules to redirect DNS traffic on port 53 and blocks 853.

This means whatever "regular" DNS sever you set in your configs, will be ignored. Except you use DoH and this way bypass their #firewall and verify the resolver.

long_running_command ; [Ctrl-Z] ; bg ; disown ; screen ; reptyr $( pidof long_running_command ) # Suspend and reattach a process within screen.

idk what you're all talking about, boomer comics rock actually

"Ci sono persone che tutti i giorni lottano". non parla di sé, ma della sua missione, dei migranti in pericolo. E ringrazia i tanti italiani che lottano "per dare una prospettiva umana a tutto ciò". Com'è semplice, restare umani.

Mercoledì @ ex caserma sani

“Psichedelia e controculture: Gli interessi in comune a Xm… 11 anni dopo”

l’autore Vanni Santoni ne discute con Tobia d’Onofrio autore di “Rave New World” curatore di “Voglio vedere dio in faccia”

Una vivace chiacchierata con chi scrive e racconta le storie di una generazione struggente piena di formidabili geni. Di iniziazioni negate, adolescenze eterne, scomparsa dall’orizzonte dell’opzione rivoluzionaria e conseguente “fuga” nelle sottoculture… Sottoculture che però, sotto la cenere, possono covare ancora il fuoco delle controcultura e della ribellione.”

giornalismo, instagram, facepalm 

a quanto pare 'sta campagna è diventata virale, instagram come piazza reale, tristezza massima

Dalla ex caserma Sani solidarietà antifascista
In piazza c'eravamo tutte/i, complici e solidali con i compagni colpiti da divieti di dimora e repressione.



this actually has existed as patches to linux

projects like openmosix and kerrighed did this kind of stuff but stopped actively being developed around a decade ago

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Friedrich Engels: Since 1845 Marx and I have held the view that one of the ultimate results of the future proletarian revolution will be the gradual dissolution of the political organisation known by the name of state. The main object of this organisation has always been to secure, by armed force, the economic oppression of the labouring majority by the minority which alone possesses wealth.

Anyone know if there is a contacts app for Linux that supports tags in Google Contacts? I need to get off using google contacts but all my contacts are meticulously tagged and the only app I know that also supports it is Contacts+ that is now an expensive proprietary piece of shit.

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Un'istanza mastodon antifascista prevalentemente italofona con base a Bologna - Manifesto - Cosa non si può fare qui

An antifa mostly-italian speaking mastodon istance based in Bologna - About us - What you can't do here

Tech stuff provided by Collettivo Bida