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Stiamo lavorando per mettere on line la

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contributors: you have the power to take action today to respond to the Facebook acquisition.

Check out these two scripts to get your full-res photos back and delete them from their archive:

- Take Out script:

- Exit Mapillary script:

Don't let lucrate on your original content. Claim back your photos and remove them from their database.

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block /4 

Byoblu monetizes and platforms contents of #sexism #queerphobia #racism under cover of #freespeech.
Byoblu diverts stances against #austerity #neoliberism #consumerism #globalization towards #nationalism #populism #traditionalism.
Act in solidarity with marginalized and oppresed people who can't afford harmful contents and the policies Byoblu conveys. Defederate it and who federates it.
#isolateByoblu #isolateGab #fediadmin #fediverse #block #instanceblock #Byoblu

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Byoblu monetizes and platforms contents of #sexism #queerphobia #racism under the cover of #freespeech.

Byoblu diverts stances against #austerity #neoliberism #consumerism #globalization towards #nationalism #populism #traditionalism.

Act in solidarity with marginalized and oppresed people who can't afford harmful contents and the policies Byoblu conveys. Defederate it and who federates it.

#isolateByoblu #isolateGab #fediadmin #fediverse #block #instanceblock #Byoblu
cc @isolategab @gabwatch

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Byoblu also welcomes several souverainist figures. Those are specialized in turning socialist instances into discriminatory, suprematist claims.
They aim to turn the oppressed against each other, in a malicious overturning where the other oppressed are the real enemy, as they weakens the strenght of the people. This argument is routinely used against migrants and LGBTQIA+ persons.

#isolateByoblu #isolateGab #fediadmin #fediverse #block #instanceblock #Byoblu
cc @isolategab @gabwatch

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Byoblu gives platform to #gendertheory, an all-encompassing #conspiracy where alliances of pro-LGBT movements act orderly to corrupt and weaken family and society orders. Much like the #Kalergiplan, the presumed intent is to make humankind more condescending, driving it toward being dominated by "the powers that be". Such theory has attracted misogynistic, homofobic and transfobic contents.

#isolateByoblu #isolateGab #fediadmin #fediverse #block #instanceblock #Byoblu
cc @isolategab @gabwatch

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Instance block suggestion:

Recently a new italian instance joined the Fediverse,

You may have never heard of but in Italy is quite famous for being since many years one of the most notable hubs of conspirationists and fake news and for having been strongly connected to the 5-star movement.

Everyone can easily see on their public TL and on the main website conspiracy theories about , , , , , references to racial substitution, and so on, but it's all in italian.

In fact it's sorta of website/instance and many people left Twitter for Mastodon also because of the byoblu users.

An article about byoblu is here:

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¿Acabas de empezar a usar Mastodon y necesitas ayuda para entender lo que funciona?

es una guía completa y desde hoy también está disponible en español


(PS: We speak italian and english - other people did the translation)

( Cc: @pongrebio )

Credo che l'introduzione dei bookmarks sia un grosso problema che dobbiamo affrontare assieme

Hi @Gargron
I think that the bookmarks is a really bad choise. With the bookmark, now the star will mean "like"! The meaning of the star will change! Now the meanig of star is ambiguos, and this can hinders the profiling. But not from the new version!

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L'attesissima terza ASSEMBLEA di instanza di sarà

DOMENICA 9 FEBBRAIO dalle ore 12
al Circolo anarchico C.Berneri
in piazza di porta Santo Stefano 1 a Bologna

Vi diciamo subito che sicuramente mangeremo insieme, per tutto il resto dateci qualche giorno

Ohi amici/amiche compagn* che sono su bida. Spiegate agli/alle spagnol*/catalan* etc (se conoscete la lingua) che sono fuori policy quando fanno propaganda partitica! E devono rimuovere quei toot

Test finito con l'utente @utentemolesto spostato su
In pratica su mastodon i follower non si possono spostare. Questo secondo me crea un problema in caso di censura da parte di un istanza perchè non permette la migrazione completa di un account.

chiedo a voi che magari lo sapete. Se io a livello di istanza banno un account di un istanza A, e quell'utente si sposta nell'istanza B, l'utente e' ancora bannato?

@Ca_Gi @samba @lesion @netico @sid

I have a question. I'm an istance (not an user) if I ban an user x from the A instance and if the user migrate to the istance B, the user x.B, for my istance, is always banned?

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Domenica 14 luglio a partire dalle 13 al circolo anarchico "C. Berneri" di Bologna assemblea di istanza.
A questo indirizzo potete trovare comunicato e bozza di odg. Se avete altri punti da aggiungere, iniziamo a parlarne.
Pranzo a offerta libera e solidale: comunicateci la vostra presenza!

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Un'istanza mastodon antifascista prevalentemente italofona con base a Bologna - Manifesto - Cosa non si può fare qui

An antifa mostly-italian speaking mastodon istance based in Bologna - About us - What you can't do here

Tech stuff provided by Collettivo Bida