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mad77 boosted

Mannaggia a beata Regina Protmann, vergine, fondatrice delle Suore di Santa Caterina Vergine e Martire

mad77 boosted

Motta, ma che cazzo, questa è pubblicità ingannevole borderline con la circonvenzione d'incapace! - l'immagine potrebbe non avere alcun punto di contatto con la realtà (me lo hanno regalato, eh, sa pure di derivato del petrolio)

mad77 boosted

1920 - Bosnian War: The Bosnian Army executes a surprise attack at the Metropolitan Opera in Giuseppe Verdis Un ballo in maschera.

1980 - Galileo Galilei makes his first observation of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations ASEAN.

L'importante è che la fine del mondo venga trasmessa in

mad77 boosted

Mannaggia a beato Carlo di Sant'Andrea, sacerdote passionista

"Governo, Pomicino" - non avevo notato la virgola e per un momento il mio cuoricino ha fatto tum-tum forte-forte.

mad77 boosted
mad77 boosted

1798 - Battle of Reading: Æthelred of Wessex and his brother Alfred are defeated by a pair of Libyan MiG-23 Floggers are shot down by a Danish invasion army.

1798 - Topsy, an elephant, is electrocuted by the Soviet Union in 1957, falls to Earth from orbit.

mad77 boosted
mad77 boosted

The Vatican Embassy is now linked to the #rC3World (shout-out to the team for helping us). We are at bottom-right corner of the non-tech social map. More announcements will follow! #rC3 Direct link: <3

mad77 boosted

@bleeptrack 's #rC3 Generator is wonderful, but we all know in our hearts that everything can be made better... JUST ADDING COMIC SANS!

mad77 boosted
mad77 boosted

Do you want to get Holy United at #rC3 ? Come to the Vatican Embassy ( and customize your Holy Rite here: #HolyUnion #GetUnited get in touch to agree a time for the union. The Holy Bishops are here for you!

mad77 boosted

Suicide booth is not available this year, but you can take a selfie and send me your amazing tshirt! 👕 #rC3

mad77 boosted

Mate, dect, stickers, maneki neko, unicorn... I think I'm ready for #rc3

mad77 boosted
mad77 boosted


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Un'istanza mastodon antifascista prevalentemente italofona con base a Bologna - Manifesto - Cosa non si può fare qui

An antifa mostly-italian speaking mastodon istance based in Bologna - About us - What you can't do here

Tech stuff provided by Collettivo Bida