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Rafu boosted

If you're one of the few people still running a 32-bit version of Windows, I'd greatly appreciate it if you could see if this dev build of Playscii 0.9.12 runs on your system:
I'm migrating my build setup off an ancient WinXP VM, doing builds with 32-bit Python 3.7 on my 64-bit Win10 partition. I no longer have access to anything older than Win10 and would like to verify that I can build for people with older OSes than myself.

Rafu boosted
Rafu boosted

Quick, The devs are awake. Now's the time to thank them for their labour in maintaining the fediverse.

Rafu boosted

In last week's blog post we said we were working on enabling a donor to send money to multiple creators at once instead of having to make multiple payments. Today we're happy to announce that this is now done for donations to European creators processed through Stripe.

Eventually we should be able to the same thing for donations to non-European creators as well, but we don't know yet when that will become possible.

To renew your donations, go to

Rafu boosted

I'm a little frustrated that the Left keeps lumping the self-employed with the upper class rather than the working-class, as though a good portion of them aren't busting ass week to week on absorbent amounts of caffeine hoping that they're able to sell enough of their products to pay bills and eat enough to be healthy.

Rafu boosted

Calling all #Fediverse admins of instances in the #EU. The #CopyrightDirective is coming, we need to show the MEPs how massively the EU Internets will be affected.

We are preparing a list of all EU-based #Pleroma, #Mastodon, #GNUSocial, #Peertube, #Funkwhale, and any other instances.

Please *contact me*. All I need is the domain name, which EU Member State it's located in, and the rough topic of the instance. Approximate user count welcome, but not necessary.

Please help. This is important.

Rafu boosted

“... La prima lezione che dovrà imparare è che un capitalismo etico, non basato sullo sfruttamento e socialmente giusto, che torni a beneficio di tutti, è impossibile, poiché contraddirebbe la natura stessa e il significato del capitale."

[idem pag. 241]

Rafu boosted

Time to update: there's a new version of Tor Browser available.

Tor Browser 8.0.6 updates Firefox to 60.5.1esr, fixing some vulnerabilities in the Skia library. Full changelog:

Rafu boosted

Un farmacista non ti vuole vendere la ?
Un medico si rifiuta di prescriverti un di emergenza?
Ti sei sentita giudicata o insultata perchè volevi interrompere una ?

Da oggi Obiezione Respinta ha in funzione 24h un numero di telefono: +39 331 963 4889.

Per il diritto alla salute sessuale e riproduttiva, contro l’obiezione di coscienza e le violenze sui nostri corpi, organizziamoci per informarci e per non sentirsi più sole!

Rafu boosted

“Unless we change our ways of producing food, insects as a whole will go down the path of extinction in a few decades,” they write. “The repercussions this will have for the planet’s ecosystems are catastrophic to say the least.”

Capitalism is a death cult.

Rafu boosted

Seeing a lot of "actually mastadon is bad and won't solve all your problems" on Twitter and like yeah okay everything is bad and only death will solve all my problems. I know that.

At least this place is fun tho

Rafu boosted

An important reminder from the Anarchist Federation (

Rafu boosted

Veramente è 1 mese che non switcho su questa istanza? Scusate l'assenza...

Rafu boosted

electrical/audio question, possibly confusing 

I’ve got a really good pair of speakers that connect to an old hi-fi unit which is pretty gubbed now. I want to keep the speakers but they end in wires like this. Would it be possible for me to solder (?) the wires into a headphone jack plug so they can plug into a phone/tablet? And would I need to create a power source for the speakers? Or if you can tell me what to Google that would help (electricity is not my area, sorry if this makes no sense)

Rafu boosted

How wonderful is the (privately-owned) lottery? It's like capitalism on steroids: countless people (mostly low-income, I presume) religiously chipping in and getting poorer so one lucky drongo gets an outrageous amount of money all at once, and the company makes a profit. 👌🏽

Rafu boosted

Once again, I celebrated new year by dancing w/other crazy animal lawyers in #SeaDracula! Thanks everybody!

Rafu boosted

@jalcine @clacke DRM isn't about asking people to pay. Copyright law already does that, and DRM is copyright vigilantism. DRM is about restricting what people can do with stuff they already paid for, to make sure that they can't treat it like something they own. DRM is about treating your clients as your enemies. It's inherently adversarial.

Rafu boosted
Rafu boosted

you'd think right wingers would realize their favorite holiday is about believing women and welcoming refugees and sharing with the less fortunate

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Un'istanza mastodon antifascista prevalentemente italofona con base a Bologna - Manifesto - Cosa non si può fare qui

An antifa mostly-italian speaking mastodon istance based in Bologna - About us - What you can't do here

Tech stuff provided by Collettivo Bida