Godbye boosted

If you're not investing in , this is the momentum.

My investment has doubled in 3 months 👍

Ethereum and Augur are doing great.

'A New Understanding: The Science of Psilocybin (2019) [Full Documentary]'

Insightful documentary on the psychiatric benefits of psilocybin.

If you've had experience with both low and high doses of psilocybin, you have certainly undergone its spiritual benefits.

My account was suspended from Twitt so now I'm here!

What are you thinking of?
What would you think of this technology didn't exist?

Mastodon Bida.im

Un'istanza mastodon antifascista prevalentemente italofona con base a Bologna - Manifesto - Cosa non si può fare qui

An antifa mostly-italian speaking mastodon istance based in Bologna - About us - What you can't do here

Tech stuff provided by Collettivo Bida