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Mitmachen und reshares ausdrücklich erwünscht!

Delenda die Ideen des foFritz Merz

by @aiquez

Kooperatives #communityMediaProjekt initiiert von @aiquez und @jesuiSatire …ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ, basierend auf einer Idee von aiquez, inspiriert durch eine Veröffentlichung von @chrisstoecker.

> Hoch-geflogen und mit #BlackRock verbandelt
> Demos verprellt und Alice'ns WunderLove eingehandelt
> Alle Hoffnung zerschellt beim Zukunft abwarten
> muss aus finanzgeiler Taktik das Menschsein verraten

Intro fallVonMerz | Delenda foFritzMerz | iDenTheater

#Politik #BTW2025 #wahlKrampf2025 #wahlKrampfKarnaval #karmaWahlKrampf2025

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Unknown parent studi0 reshared this.

jesuiSatire …ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ

#Politik #BTW2025 #wahlKrampf2025 #wahlKrampfKarnaval #karmaWahlKrampf2025


03 - Gute Nacht karmaWahlKrampf | fallVonMerz | iDenTheater

Delenda die Ideen des facho foFritz Merz
Idee by @aiquez

Es braucht wohl ein paar kulturell gebildete Nachbarn an der Donau um den Gedankengängen unserer fediGecken zu folgen und diese so auch dem gemeinen Publikum näher zu bringen.

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jesuiSatire …ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ reshared this.

Es ist ist vollbracht!

Zur Feier des Tages .. ein #sundaYgimp.

Bildschirmbild des Profiles Satire der Webseite Unter dem Titel, "Was darf Satire" springt, angestoßen von einem deftigen Arschtritt in den Hintern seines Harkenkreuzes er, der Harlekin der Hofnarren des subtilen Humors und des grobschlächtigen Sarkasmus, beflügelt von der Gewissheit des vorwärts immer, rückwärts nimmer, auf die Bühne des Geschehens. Gewappnet mit allen Wassern, gebrandmarkt mit allen Zeichen, den Zepter des humorvollen Wiederstandes locker flockig in der Hand haltend, um der Vorsehung entgegen zu treten und ihr den Spiegel der Gleichgültigkeit vor zu halten.

mʕ•ﻌ•ʔm bitPickup reshared this.

Dear #profileActing #rolePlay #communityAccount's.

This is a reshare of a recent advise by the administration of this instance for this profile.

Considerating the content of it, we'd like to call the attention to all of you to consider with more dedication the contribution you decide to publish in the respective profiles.
None of us is interested in losing this space.
As it is ever more difficult to really know the extent of the community, please reshare this post if you are part of those who have access to the profiles so we get a better idea about what is going on.

👩‍⚖️ @jesuiSatire …ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ,
can you please stop with your #rolePlay #profileActing stunts in places like this @Friendica Support forum on a distant instance?

It's hard enough to work things out. Just consider this forum a working environment where there is no place for foolish children having fun disturbing the precious minds of hard working freestyling unpaid coders so you can do your recreational #contentCreation stuff.

Even tho it might seem reasonable to point out that it can have unexpected consequences and lead to people feeling offended by the naming of the profile @EDIT | don't follow! @utopiArte, please ignore #whiteHatTroll's like @jesuisatire, and have him at bay, other wise this administration might have a look into the conditions of your profile contract, consider further restrictions, temporary suspension or even en entire freezing of it's activities.

@all, sry .. kidd's you know.

mʕ•ﻌ•ʔm bitPickup reshared this.

The earth of our grandchildren | La tierra de nuestros nietos

extract from a private conversation wrote:

Truth be spoken, @mʕ•ﻌ•ʔm bitPickup is simply committed to his word, #motherNature and the project @La tierra de nuestros nietos, facing #climateGrief alone if necessary, while looking how to survive and move forward that project about niches and petridishes of biodiversity:

Kris McDivitt #Tompkins is sitting somewhere in #southAmerica observing nature while talking to the camera in the recent documentary Wild Life.

#wildLife #nature #conservation #project #Uruguay #tierraNietos

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mʕ•ﻌ•ʔm bitPickup reshared this.


"Denk auf keinen Fall an einen rosaroten Elefanten!"

Bild einer riesigen liegenden rosaroten Ganesha Statur in Thailand. Es sind einige Menschen im Vordergrund auf einem Platz zu sehen."Wat Saman Rattanaram (14494808566).jpg" by Theerawat Sangprakarn from Prachin Buri, Thailand  CC BY 2.0
Wikimedia commons

Prof. Dr. Peter Kruse über Kreativität

Watch this YT video on on some Invidious instance!

transcript deutsch
ein ding was sie immer tun koennen - also, sie koennen ja nicht wirklich die kreativitaet und innovationsfaehigkeit der mitarbeiter foerdern - da muss man ja schon mal sagen, bitte unterscheiden sie bei allem, was sie tun, zwischen indirekten variablen und direkten variablen.
das ist sehr wichtig.
also, wenn mir jemand sagt, wir machen ein kulturveraenderungsprojekt, dann krieg’ ich weisse haare; jenseits der haare, die ich schon habe, die weiss sind.
weil kultur ist eine indirekte variable, #kultur kann ich nicht erzeugen, kultur ist keine projektarbeit. ich kann nur rahmenbedingungen erzeugen, in denen bestimmte kulturmuster emergieren.
also, wenn sie kreativitaet erzeugen wollen, koennen sie sich fragen: was sind systemische rahmenbedingungen, in denen kreativitaet erscheint? aber sie koennen nicht kreativitaet ‘machen’. sonst kommen wir in diese freundliche methode, dass ich sage: ‘sei kreativ!’
Huch, erschreckt man sich, wie geht das?
das ist mindestens so absurd wie zu sagen, ‘sei spontan, aber bitte jetzt! denk auf keinen fall an einen rosaroten elephanten!’ was machen wir da? wir machen etwas, was nicht wirklich geht.
also bitte, wenn sie ueber kreativitaet reden, reden sie ueber indirekte moeglichkeitsraeume, und nicht ueber das direkte erzeugen. und einer der indirekten moeglichkeitsraeume von kreativitaet ist #diversity. wenn sie unterschiedlichkeit im system erhoehen - ob das kulturell ist, oder stilmaessig, voellig egal. intelligente systeme, die in der lage sind zu akkumulieren, und nicht nur zu assimilieren, die im prozessmuster wechseln koennen, sind immer systeme, die mit internen spannungsverhaeltnissen arbeiten: weil systeme mit internen spannungsverhaeltnissen erzeugen instabile phasen, und systeme mit instabilen phasen erzeugen die moeglichkeit zum uebergang zum neuen muster, und das nennen wir kreativitaet.
also erhoehen sie die spannung im system! schaffen sie unterschiedlichkeit, dann schaffen sie die moeglichkeit zum prozessmusterwechsel. machen sie keine einheitlichkeit! harmonische systeme sind dumme systeme.
in der natur entsteht ordnungsmuster immer aus widerspruch, nicht aus harmonie. das heisst, wenn sie wirklich komplexe ordnungsmuster haben wollen, erhoehen sie bitte die unterschiedlichkeit im system. geben sie querdenkern eine chance, lassen sie die stoerer zu, und - und das ist fast trivial - bauen sie #netzwerke;
weil in dem moment, wo sie ein #netzwerk bauen, schaffen sie eine situation, wo die nichtlinearen rueckkopplungseffekte immer wieder fuer das aufloesen von stabilen zustaenden sorgen. d.h., rueckkopplungsmechanismen und diversitaet sind extrem positiv fuer kreativitaet.
bauen sie netzwerke! sorgen sie dafuer, dass der kollege in china eine unmittelbare wirkung hat auf den kollegen in deutschland. wenn das passiert, und das wirklich funktioniert, dann wird der kollege in china mit seiner unterschiedlichkeit, wenn er denn vernetzt ist, den kollegen in deutschland immer hinreichend aergern und stoeren, dass der eine chance hat, kreativ zu werden; und wenn sie das nicht nur mit einem kollegen und einem kollegen machen, sondern mit einem gigantischen netzwerk, dann, kann ich ihnen sagen, wird die uebersummative intelligenz dieses netzwerkes groesser sein als die summe der einzelintelligenzen: und dann haben wir wirklich was geschafft, und dann reden wir hinterher davon, dass wir viele kreative menschen haben.
suchen sie bitte, vielleicht koennen sie natuerlich suchen nach dem einzelbeispiel des kreativen, so wars frueher: da hat man immer den einzelnen gesucht, der durch irgendeinen biographischen unfall die schmerzen so gut ertraegt, dass er kreativ ist. heute suche ich nicht mehr diesen biographischen unfall; heute versuche ich systeme mir anzuschauen, die diesen biographischen unfall nicht mehr brauchen, weil sie selber ein unfall sind.
und, also, bauen sie systeme, die stoeren!
weil, systeme die nicht stoeren, sind immer stabilitaetsorientierte systeme. sorgen sie dafuer, dass die #komplexitaet und dynamik innerhalb des systemes mindestens so gross ist, wie die komplexitaet und dynamik am markt.
folgen sie einfach Ashby’s Law.
Ashby als systemtheoretiker hat in den fuenfzigerjahren gesagt: wo immer wir ein hochkomplexes dynamisches problemsystem haben, brauchen wir im minimum ein so komplexes dynamisches loesungssytem.
d.h., wenn wir keine gegengleiche komplexitaet haben, sind wir nicht loesungfaehig.
wenn jetzt unsere welt immer komplexer wird, durch vernetzung, kann man sagen: die einzige loesung, die wir haben, ist komplexitaet durch vernetzung; weil dann haben wir die chance. und das gehirn - da sind wir wieder bei meinem ausgangsstatement, das ich nur versucht habe, das gehirn auf management zu uebertragen -
das gehirn macht das vor.
der mensch mit seinem gehirn ist in der lage, vom aequator bis zum nordpol zu ueberleben - das einzige lebewesen, was das kann. warum? weil wir ein komplexes dynamisches system haben, das uns in die lage versetzt, mit komplexen dynamischen systemen zu leben. d.h., nur weil unser gehirn unkalkulierbare dynamiken erzeugt, nur deshalb koennen wir mit unkalkulierbaren dynamiken einigermassen umgehen.
d.h., das gehirn ist eine grosse erfindung der natur im umgang mit unvorhersagbarkeiten. die andere grosse erfindung, die die natur gemacht hat, ist nicht die individuelle intelligenz des gehirns, sondern die kollektive intelligenz des schwarms. das war eine mindestens so grosse intelligenzleistung, d.h. es gibt eigentlich nur zwei durchsetzungsfaehige, wirklich durchsetzungsfaehige mechanismen: das eine sind staatenbildende insekten, die finden sie ueberall auf der welt, sind unglaublich erfolgreich als spezies; und sie haben das individuelle gehirn in der hochentwicklung des menschen. das ist wirklich erfolgreich, weil sie einmal ein dynamisches komplexes system haben, und bei den staatenbildenden insekten auch - nur, beim einen steckt es im individuum, und beim anderen steckt es in der menge der individuen; aber das prinzip ist das gleiche:
hohe #interaktivitaet, hohe rueckkopplungseffekte; und dann koennen sie ordnungsmuster erzeugen.
das ist einfach sehr, sehr effektiv.
und ich versuche in meinen eigenen zusammenhaengen heute, solche systeme immer zu bauen. also, wenn sie sagen wuerden, was machst du eigentlich um erfolgreich zu sein, dann wuerd ich nicht mehr sagen: ‘klug sein’; sondern markt beobachten; das ist schon fast ableitbar. ich versuche immer zu verstehen, was ist da draussen los?
und ansonsten versuche ich, netzwerke zu bauen, und da baue ich eigentlich nur das gehirn nach. in meinen netzwerken gibt es immer drei charaktere von menschen:
es gibt die #Creator, das sind die spinner, die mich immer stoeren, die immer mit neuen ideen kommen. es gibt die #Owner, das sind die wissenseigner. das sind die leute, die etwas im tz beherrschen. und, es gibt die #Broker; das sind die, die leute kennen, die etwas wissen; die vermitteln. und jetzt kann man eigentlich sagen: diese drei personengruppen bilden zusammen ein gehirn.
wenn ich den Creator und den Owner zusammenbringe, bekomme ich ideen. da entsteht naemlich aus wissen und aus instabilitaet ein ideenpool: das ist der cortex.
wenn ich den Owner und den Broker zusammenbringe, habe ich zwei bewerter zusammen. weil, der Broker muss bewerten koennen, ob ein wissen was taugt, und der Owner muss bewerten koennen. hier habe ich das limbische system.
und wenn ich den Broker und den Creator zusammenbringe, dann habe ich erregung. weil, der Broker stoert mich, und der Creator stoert mich. d.h., was bekomme ich dann? eine aufsteigend retikulaer aktivierende formation, die mich immer wieder erregt.
und wenn sie die drei dinge zusammenbringen, Errgegung, Loesungsbildung und Bewertung, dann haben sie ein Gehirn.
was anderes tu ich nicht; ich such mir einfach immer nur diese leute, die diese charakteristiken haben. und glauben sie mir: die unterscheiden sich. sie finden nach kurzer zeit raus, wer ein guter Broker ist. die sind nicht tief in ihren kenntnissen, aber die wissen immer genau, wer’s weiss. und diese Creator, die sind nicht tief in ihren kenntnissen unbedingt, aber die spinnen wie die weltmeister; die koennen unglaublich schnell neue muster erzeugen.
und die Owner sind diese wertvollen leute, die etwas wirklich gut wissen; die aber, wenn sie alleine sind, meistens keine neuen loesungen finden, weil sie die instabilitaet nicht hinbekommen.
d.h., ohne die erregung und ohne die stoerung wird das ganz, ganz schwer.
und so kann man, wenn sie so wollen, intelligente systeme bauen, deren summenintelligenz groesser ist als die intelligenz der beteiligten menschen.
und das ist mein grosses ziel.

#Kreativität #PeterKruse #Kruse

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in reply to utopiArte

Lernen lernen .. über Fehler, wann man sie zulassen sollte und wann man sie vermeiden sollte.

Watch this YT video on on some Invidious instance!

Wie reagieren Menschen auf wachsende Komplexität ?

Watch this YT video on on some Invidious instance!

#PeterKruse #Lernen #Komplexitaet #Komplexität

This entry was edited (10 months ago)
in reply to utopiArte jesuiSatire …ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ reshared this.

¿Como reaccionan la gente a una complejidad creciente?

5. Intuición: evaluación emocional

El ser humano es capaz de forma fascinante de reducir complejidad a través de crear patrones en su cerebro.
Quiere decir, intuición significa que el cerebro aprendió a través de la experiencia (en situaciones “extremas”), de crear patrones para evaluar una circunstancia.
Problema grande: “estar al día” - si el mundo y/o las circunstancias en que se desarrollo la intuición cambia, el sentimiento intuitivo se siente aun acertado pero esta completamente fuera de foco.
Remedio: Observar antes que nada cuando y como se desarrollo dicha intuición - ¡realmente aun esta “up to date”?
Problema: Si solo dependo de uno solo, ese “emprendedor” puede estar equivocado.
Solución: Intuición colectiva → #Mateada

#Kruse #ñ #internet #redes #redesSociales #colectivo #cooperación #mitdenken

The sporial Guide to D*'s Cyberspace #TSGDC

Chapter 1

Meanwhile it's told that the first so called chapter "Y" of #TSGDC was written long before the often reeferd "chapter 1 tag", there are others who try to claim definitely to proof the non existence of the Y chapter, running as argument that there was never a proof of a first chapter 1 tagged by anyone. Others who, whats the most reasonable thing to do, simple stick on trolling and having some fun on these simple planetarian concerns, sometimes consider that in fact the hidden Y chapter do exist one some remote and forgotten pod in the vast and complex system of D*-pods in the cyberspace. But as usual they simply apply on the most basic rules of every trolling cybernaut:

"Get yourself a cup, glass, bottle or whatever kind of recipient full of you preferred kind of liquid,
lean back,
and have some fun"

All that for a simple reasoning which is commented to be one of the unwritten laws of the never edited Trolling Stupids Guide do the Cyberspace TSGDC. This reasoning is called sometimes also the basic law that rules them all, and goes something like that:

"Whenever there are more then a few #VIATA - very intelligent and thoughtful apes, you most probably will find:

  • One how knows everything
  • One how knows everything better
  • One how knows everything better then every other one
  • Some who agree
  • Some who don't
  • Sometimes a few who try to intermediate
  • Some who just don't get it


  • an uncountable amount of viewers, observers and other kind's of voyeurs.
    (well at least that's what all the before mentioned actors do think and why its so important to raise a voice, much likely better expressed as raise some letters or raise some fingertips to hack some lines).

It's as clear as broth that even one of the anonimous authors of D*'s sporial Cyberspace Guide would never ever attempt to write down, or worth explain, any other of the unwritten laws of the trolling community, largely respected as the biggest unknown threat in the whole multycyberuniwiere - MCUW. Actually more feared then the unknown unknown movement - UUM, the mostly unknown movement MUM or the mostly unknown hiddenones - MUH. The fact that the author of chapter 1 never came back to write any other comment or chapter, to like any kind of comment about or trolling attack directed against chapter 1 is a proof for some that he was literally whipped off of the complete multycyberuniwiere. Some insidetrolls deny those assumptions by pointing out that it's a basic rule for any kind of trolling troll that you may have several accounts, also that as every troll you share some fibers of voyeurism and there for nothing is for sure. Obviously there are no proofs for these insidetroll information, may be they where whipped out also.

Anyway, perhaps the only thing that can be stated till know is that, chapter 1 exists, D* exists and their for a hole bunch of things may occur. For example, as it is most likely to assume, their may be efforts to attach a whole lot of written rules to the #TSGDC, despite the fact that chapter one states clearly that their are no rules others than the enumerated ones at his end. A definition that led to a lot of confusen, yet nearly anyone who asks for the rules is told to simply search for the tag chapter 1. And like in normal life, the ones who try to find chapter 1 by scrolling, commonly loose the patients before they find the rules, their meanings and all their implications.

So, will we become to know about the existents of some of the most remote and awesome pod's out their in the cyberspace? Could it be probably possible to know if the saying is true that the one how wrote chapter 1 really was a FGAFD and received threats long before the publication of chapter 1 by one of the unmembered trolling community?
Have the comments in the third chapter of the slapstick acronym list become true already, are they just another weird imagination of some clash of culture minded anonimous pseudonyms in the unicybermultywiere - UCMW?
Is it true that actually none ever escaped from KAKAPO-Isolation and their for its useless to think all these thoughts?

Will the TSGDC evolve into a kind of nosladamoscontodo encyclopedia of predictions like:

  • D* will become the static front line of cyberstruggelargueparanoid lidership in queres comer me el coco toma dos platos.
  • The underlying structure of D* combined with the unhidden laws of human civilization will create a new world in which different citizens stick together on different pods to attack other distant pod's and their pod members meanwhile they raise flags of the countries their pod belong to on their desks.
  • It's more likely to assume that the #TSGDC is condemned to extinction like all the other in-countable attempts of seeding any kind of community work on planet earth, not because it is located in a virtual virtuality but because evolution is not directional, their for direction not exists and nothing can grow.
  • The #TSGDC was a fake to fake fakers made by fakers for fakers so fakers could hide them self in communities of fakers and because of that no one will believe in the fake what will lead in the end to the fact that the #TSGDC will be a forgotten fake.
  • The #TSGDC as being inspired by D* will fork itself because of important orthographic corrections made by some of the mentioned #VIATA members who still cant get the point that sometimes orthographic errors are made intentionally and sometimes not, languages also evolve by bugs and introductions of words of other communities, translations or chapters written in other languages, different points of view on the UCMW because of different memberships of different pods of different MCUW's.
  • Everyone should give a s** on orthographic errors because they only proof that the buzzeld mind of the ones who can't concentrate on the content is just to structured.
  • The #TSGDC will fork itself because it was published first on D*.

Maybe none of all this will ever occur, so remember:
Know where your popcorn is,
cats are animals like you and me,
and take a deep breath before thinking, writing, laughing, wondering or any kind of important thing to do, yet the most important book in the galaxy already stats "Don't Panik", so its most likely to assume that their are no more important things to state.

Feel free to be without the need to add anything important that really matters.

Ah, and

#uruguay #prensa #cooperativismo

Friendica Support reshared this.

Message from #frienDodo to @Friendica Support ..
This entry was edited (22 hours ago)

@la tierra de nuestros nietos
#Mate #YerbaMate #LunaLunera


Mate über 85° kann man nur als Tee trinken. Im Gefäß mit Saugröhrchen ist er nach 2 Aufgüssen durch.

Außerdem gilt: Je heißer desto bitterer.

mʕ•ﻌ•ʔm bitPickup reshared this.

#friendica #FOSDEM2025 talk by @Tobias

The recording of the talk can be found at the FSFE Peertube among the other FOSDEM talks of the team.

FOSDEM 2025 -Friendica - under the radar since 2010

Tobias Diekershoff, FSFE’s System Hacker and core developer of the Friendica project, along with Michael Vogel, also a core member of the Friendica development team, provide an concise introduction to Friendica in this talk.

Friendica has been part of the Fediverse since 2010, building bridges between Laconica and Diaspora*, making it one of the oldest active projects of the Fediverse - yet Friendica has flown under the radar most of the time.

In this talk we will give a short introduction to Friendica, its unique features and how it differs from other systems.

The Friendica project homepage can be found at, the source code for the core is maintained on github and for the addons on

This video on FOSDEM website:…

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Thinking of all our depoliticized spaces now: After four years of being told we had to listen to the ravings of extremists, now fear washes political speech out of the net (see my LinkedIn slap), campuses, stages, newspapers. The extremists have chilled all but their speech.

US Politics Feed reshared this.

howTo reshared this.


#fediHelp #learningQuestion:

Is there a way to tell castopod which php version to use if several options are available on a VPS installation, for example with a line in the .env file?

In other software the following is used:
'php_path' => '/usr/bin/php'
'php_path' => '/etc/php/8.1/fpm/'

spoiler click to open/close | castopod .env.example
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Example Environment Configuration file
# This file can be used as a starting point for
# your Castopod instance settings.
# For manual configuration:
# - copy this file's contents to a file named `.env`
# - replace all the default settings with your values
# - go to `/cp-install` to complete installation
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Instance configuration
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Database configuration
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Email configuration
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# email.fromEmail="your_email_address"
# email.SMTPHost="your_smtp_host"
# email.SMTPUser="your_smtp_user"
# email.SMTPPass="your_smtp_password"
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Cache configuration (advanced)
# Keep as is if you don't know what this means
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Redis configuration
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# cache.handler="redis"
# cache.redis.password=null
# cache.redis.port=6379
# cache.redis.database=0
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# S3 configuration
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# media.fileManager="s3"
# media.s3.endpoint="your_s3_host"
# media.s3.key="your_s3_key"
# media.s3.secret="your_s3_secret"
# media.s3.region="your_s3_region"
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# REST API configuration
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# restapi.enabled=true
# restapi.basicAuthUsername=castopod
# restapi.basicAuthPassword=password
# restapi.basicAuth=true

@Castopod :podcasting2: @studi0 @howTo

in reply to utopiArte howTo reshared this.

Looks like searching for help with respect to #castopod in the fedi is kinda dead end @utopiarte.


reshared this

studi0 reshared this.

reshared this

Everything #heyokyay out there?

I guess I'll have to restart my friendica accounts now to calm my conscience. I just stopped posting for a while because I had too many plattforms.

newsfeed reshared this.

standard EDIT ubuntu serversoftware installation frame
[url=]fake link[/url]
[b]<software> installation information[/b]
[url=] Instructions[/url]
[spoiler=General observations about <software> and it's handling till now][/spoiler]
[b]Basic VPS server setup[/b]
Basic  LAMP details of this friendica single domain server installation:
[url=]EDIT | Ver. 05 | install and/or move friendica to ubuntu 22.04 LTS VPS server[/url]
Change ubuntu 22.04lts single VPS
into multi domain single IP name-based virtual hosting[/b]
[url=]Tutorial DEV and Admin ver[/url]
]EDIT ver[/url]
[url=]EDIT | standard command[/url]

newsfeed reshared this.

Friendica Support reshared this.

Hi there @islieb? !
This is a post actually directed in part to the @Friendica Support forum page of our free open source software community. I guess you heard the term #friendica already, as you are quite a while in the fedi, beginning with your #diaspora presence a long time ago. Our main coder @Michael Vogel is a fan of yours (if I got that right). I asked him the other day in a FOSDEM element chat, if he considers it possible that you make some drawings for friendica, maybe even for every new version, we have like two o three releases every year.

The idea came up because on this server we decided to use the following comic on the login/welcome page:
Drawing of a man sitting in a cave with is son, in the background a sunset is visible. He explains his kid that humanity ended like this because it wasn't reasonable to hurt the economy.
Than we came up with this variation for the text as you can see:
The same drawing. This time the text states that because of not willing to accept algorithms, centralized servers or advertisement, they are living that simple but beautiful life.

It seemed to me that Michael liked the idea to have some drawing by you, so I don't want to let the idea slip away and ask you, as well as the community, what everyone thinks about such an option. There are also the 403, 404, 500 and so on error pages. Well maybe those are more a task for @isfies!, who knows ..

Sumasumarum, any ideas, comments or questions about this proposal @all ?

Unknown parent Friendica Support reshared this.

I guess I'll have to restart my friendica accounts now to calm my conscience. I just stopped posting for a while because I had too many plattforms.
This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to islieb? Friendica Support reshared this.


I guess I'll have to restart my friendica accounts now to calm my conscience.

I was about to try to tease you into open one, as you could handle all of your fedinetworks from there, crossposting to D* and bluesky and so on.
Or even to set you up your own instance, if you have a domain or subdomain name.
Actually I guess you could create things like "Vorpremiere publishing for subscribers" and things like that.
Limiting access to published posts and even images. Not really paywalled, I guess we all hate that, but courtesies like things the commoners are going to see next week, behind the scenes and all that influencer celeb fan stuff you know ..


Put this person in charge. At least they dare take on the hard questions.

podCasts reshared this.


Querides, ¿pueden activar su RSS en su podcast? No sabrán que lo escuchamos pero lo escucharemos #podcast #spotify

#dance'n #streetArt

Viernes #dance

by Louann Kristy

because I'm obsessed

Sounds like a hiding hurt soul hit in the bottom of his heart by #art.

more of his work because im obsessed

podCasts reshared this.


#Reklame #Propaganda .. timeOut.

Leider auch bei Podcasts der totale Krebs und eigentlich auch schon fast Standard: Native Advertising. Bester Weg, seine Glaubwürdigkeit an der Garderobe abzugeben.

Ich kriege auch am laufenden Meter solche Angebote. Landen bei mir sofort im Papierkorb.

Werbung macht krank und gefährdet die Demokratie.

#Zeitgeist #musica de la #Argentina para el mundo del #internet .. and beyond.

.. y no olvides de tener un celu inocuo con algun perfil de redes sociales comun y corriente ..


Die deutsche Version von:

@bitpickup @jesuisatire @hllizi @puniko

Friendica Support reshared this.

!Friendica Support
Right now I try how to figure out how to visite the helpers page as a registered user. Looks to me that I saw some standard setting in the admin panel that set's an option "see local or visite originating site" and that as of now this is set over here as "see local".
In general I want this to be set like that but in this specific case I want to search the helpers forum for a problem I have right now. Actually I don't even know if I get access to the search option on if I visite it as a registered contact.

In any case it's a pitty that the search box isn't available for common visitors because it would give us the oportunity to find answers to questions already directed to the community and solved by it.

  • How can I visite the helpers page as a logged in contact?
    Maybe there is some simple string I can add in the URL that I can use from desktop?
  • Is there a chance to enable the search function in general on

CC: @Steffen K9 🐰

This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
Unknown parent Friendica Support reshared this.

@utopiArte no.

But if you search for full text search then you are searching for any postings that contain the words "full", "text" or "search" (or two or three of these words). If you want to search only for postings that contain exactly these words you have to search for +full +text +search

in reply to Tobias Friendica Support reshared this.

Got it @Tobias.

Like to say:
"In this case it's not the economy but the space between the "+" signs, stupid!"


Friendica Support reshared this.

reshared this

jesuiSatire …ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ reshared this.

#Politik #btw2025 #wahlkrampfkarnaval #wahlKrampf2025 #karmaWahlKrampf2025

03 - Gute Nacht karmaWahlKrampf | fallVonMerz | iDenTheater

Delenda die Ideen des facho foFritz Merz
Idee by @aiquez

Es braucht wohl ein paar kulturell gebildete Nachbarn an der Donau um den Gedankengängen unserer fediGecken zu folgen und diese so auch dem gemeinen Publikum näher zu bringen.

EDIT | don't follow! reshared this.


!EDIT | don't follow!

standard mySQL procedures and comands

Change from standard SSH root user to enter mySQL management as root
rootname@VPShosting:~# mysql

create a DB with user and pasword
MariaDB [(none)]> CREATE DATABASE friendicadb;
MariaDB [(none)]> CREATE USER 'friendica'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '<password>';
MariaDB [(none)]> GRANT ALL ON friendicadb.* TO 'friendica'@'localhost';
MariaDB [(none)]> EXIT;
This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to utopiArte EDIT | don't follow! reshared this.

 — (tupambaé)

DATABASE managmente
Alternatively, show the database schemas.
Filtering and Listing a MySQL Database With Pattern Match
If the list of databases is long, or you are looking for a specific database name, filter the result using the LIKE statement.
The general syntax is:
SHOW DATABASES LIKE "test_string";
Replace text_string with the characters you want to search for. For example:
Alternatively, use the wildcard character (%) to do an approximate search. For example:

MariaDB [(none)]> SHOW DATABASES;
MariaDB [(none)]> DROP DATABASE testDB;

USER managment
Locate the user to remove by running the command that lists MySQL server users:
SELECT user, host FROM mysql.user;
The DROP USER statement has the following syntax:
DROP USER [user];
To delete more than one user, separate multiple unwanted users with commas:
DROP USER [user1], [user2], [user3], ...;
The [user] part of the command usually has the following syntax:
To error message if user doesn't exist, add the IF EXISTS statement to DROP USER:
How to Remove Connected/Active MySQL User
The privileges of users currently active on a MySQL server cannot be revoked before their session is closed. To take away the unwanted user's privileges immediately, stop the user session and remove the account by following the steps below:
1. Find the connection ID for the unwanted user by displaying the process list:
2. Locate the relevant user ID and use the KILL command to kill the process in MySQL:
Replace [ID] with an actual user ID from the table. For example, if the ID is 11, type:
KILL 11;
3. Remove the user from the MySQL database using the DROP USER statement:
DROP USER '[username]'@'[host]';
This action now immediately deletes the unwanted user and all their privileges.

MariaDB [(none)]> SELECT user, host FROM mysql.user;
MariaDB [(none)]> DROP USER '[username]'@'[host]';

This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to utopiArte EDIT | don't follow! reshared this.
To check the sizes of all of your databases

SELECT table_schema AS "Database", 
ROUND(SUM(data_length + index_length) / 1024 / 1024, 2) AS "Size (MB)" 
FROM information_schema.TABLES 
GROUP BY table_schema;

sizes of all of the tables in a specific database
replace database_name with the name of the database that you want to check:

SELECT table_name AS "Table",
ROUND(((data_length + index_length) / 1024 / 1024), 2) AS "Size (MB)"
FROM information_schema.TABLES
WHERE table_schema = "database_name"
ORDER BY (data_length + index_length) DESC;

Friendica Support reshared this.

@Friendica Support

Hi there,
just installed a new instances, actually on this very VPS as a name-based virtual hosting, it's a standard github pull of the stable branch 2024.12.

There were some strange issues with creating the local.config.php, like the install procedure didn't accept/write the mysql data into local.config.php. Same if it took that data from a prepared config.php. That data was presented in the install page but I couldn't accept and go on with the installation. So I created a local.config.php with the console and that went well.

Now I got stuck after creating the admin user in the new user option.
I don't get ea registry mail so I can't log in because I have no password.
The site itself doesn't display the option of register users anymore, I guess a first log on by the admin is required.

Actually I have no idea why this instance here does have email support and the new one doesn't.
Is there a way to activate the php mailer addon?

How do I solve this?
Can I retrieve the password form the DB with the console?

This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
Unknown parent Friendica Support reshared this.


Actually there is also the general config print of /bin/console:
root@VPShosting:/var/www/tupambaecom# bin/console config

The phpmailer addon at least now figures and probably can be set from console. Setting phpmailer.smtp => to 1 and adding the correct settings, alongside the filling out activating phpmailer.config.php and moving it to /config should activate the mail support.

phpmailerphpmailer.smtp => 1
phpmailer.smtp_server =>
phpmailer.smtp_port => 587
phpmailer.smtp_secure => tls
phpmailer.smtp_port_s => 465
phpmailer.smtp_username =>
phpmailer.smtp_password =>
phpmailer.smtp_from =>

@Hypolite Petovan

Friendica Support reshared this.

!Friendica Support !Friendica Admins

Hi there.
When upgrading friendica and executing the bin/composer.phar install --no-dev step a warning comes up that composer is out dated and that a upgrade to version 2.0 should be done:

You are using Composer 1 which is deprecated. You should upgrade to Composer 2, see

Following the information on the given link and trying to upgrade composer on the ubuntu VPS server it looks like this is an issue of the github package of friendica as composer self-update --2 results in:

Command 'composer' not found, but can be installed with:
apt install composer

Can this be solved by installing composer in debian/ubuntu or does is this something that wil be solved sooner or later in the github packaging?

EDIT | don't follow! reshared this.

Installing castoPod on ubuntu 22.04lts friendica VPS server

!EDIT | don't follow!
fake link

@Castopod :podcasting2: installation information Instructions

General observations about castopod and it's handling till now
The installation of v1.13.3 on a shared hosting was ultimately quite straight.
The kind of CRON job requiered by the software wasn't supported by our trust and security focused shared hosting provider.
The response by @ castopod in the fediverse itself wasn't quite as expected in terms of attention and support, probably because of work overload. It feels more like a community update, research of the community in terms of interests and needs as well as entertainment channel.
Software and installation instructions (as of now) do not include installation specifics or descriptions by git pulls.
Tests to transport the existing v1.13.3 to the ubuntu VPS blatantly failed.
A first test install of a gitpull of v1.13.4 failed in a first attempt because of php requirements.
A unzip of of v1.13.3 on the ubuntu server worked ultimately, no way was found to find a login page. A direct help request to the @ catopod channel got no response.

Basic VPS server setup
Basic LAMP details of this friendica single domain server installation:
EDIT | Ver. 05 | install and/or move friendica to ubuntu 22.04 LTS VPS server

Change ubuntu 22.04lts single VPS
into multi domain single IP name-based virtual hosting

Tutorial DEV and Admin ver
EDIT ver

EDIT | standard command

This entry was edited (23 hours ago)
in reply to utopiArte EDIT | don't follow! reshared this.

 — (tupambaé)

Ultimately managed to install unzipping the folder on the VPS on .org and the .com.
For some reason the installer page /cp-install showed up and worked as it should.
This happend while setting up and changeing settings in the realm of php versions as well as the .conf files.

@utopiArte yes it is APT - I will just stop trying to help if I'm not on my computer but online with the mobile. Which means I will likely stop helping at all because of my time constrains at the moment.

This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to utopiArte EDIT | don't follow! reshared this.

Cron task
* * * * * /path/to/php /path/to/castopod/spark tasks:run >> /dev/null 2>&1

The install instructions do not mention if a timely interval has to be added. There for in the first place we set the task as is, replacing only the variables /path/to/php and /path/to/castopod/.

mʕ•ﻌ•ʔm bitPickup reshared this.

#Radverkehr #Verkehr #Sicherheit

Ersetzt keine sichere Infrastruktur für den #Radverkehr, kann aber #Dooring-Unfälle vermeiden: der „holländische Griff“.

#BTW2025 #wahlKrampf #live

#BTW2025 #wahlKrampf #live

Moin, pünktlich zur heutigen Wahl haben wir ein paar Kanäle auf Element zur live Wahlbetrachtung eingerichtet.
Hier die links:

Kanal wahlKrampf General:!

Kanal BTW2025:!


Satire reshared this.

#realsatire #wallArt in Oaxaca, #Mexico.

Who is who?

There could actually be another spindoctor pulling the lines of the #swastiXcar owner resembelling Trump again.

.. and so on, and so on and so on ..

Wall art in Oaxaca, Mexico.

(Edited to acknowledge the Mexican street artist, Yescka, thank you Mastodon.

jesuiSatire …ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ reshared this.

#internet #cultura #censura

Faszinante, el momento en que uno se da cuenta que una publicacion que se llama "dairio" por lo visto no se banca siquiera un simple comentario como el siguient, ya que no figura en su pagina original:

Que cansador, seguir escuchando que alemania fuera la cuna de algo cuando en todo caso fue el caso mas destacado de tribalismo, de racismo, comportamiento inhumano en contra del proximo. Que lo fue porque a unos pocos en el poder que tenian accesso al megafono de la epoca, aquellos que supieron primero utilizar la mas nueva tecnologia de turno a favor de su ideologia, de su totalitarismo de turno en contra de algo o alguien a apuntar, para hecharle la culpa, llegaron a obtener suficientes medios para hacerlo realidad.

Como si la conquista del nuevo mundo no fuera origen de los mismos conceptos arrogantes e inhumanos. Como si toda la epoca del colonialismo tradicional no hubiera tenido origen en la misma capacidad de crear la diferenciar entre ellos y nosotros, diferenciando entre mas y menos valioso. Como si el duche no hubiera existido, tampoco el franquismo o el regimen de Vichi. Las reservas de indigenas de pueblos originarios en todas las americas. Los campos de concentrar a personas de origen japonesa en la segunda guerra mundial. Los leyes de segregacion en EEUU, con baños y asientos en omnibuses segun el color de piel. El regimen de apartheid o la actual intencion de convertir a una franja en el mediterraneo en un spa para algunos adinerados.

Busquen en sus corazones, en su interior, y encontraran las semillas de segregacion entre ellos y nosotros, entre estar con la razon y aquellos equivocados, el nosotros los buenos y aquellos los malos. Y apenas esperen al dolor, la desesperacion y sucesivo odio para ver y encontrara aquel humo que hecharan sus propias brazas que siempre estan ahi, prontos para encender la fogata de la hoguera de turno.

impacient Chaplin kid"
@Álvaro Lois | Montevideo.

🇩🇪Opinión | Allí donde hay humo, hay fuego:
"A unos días de las elecciones alemanas, donde la ultraderecha acude fortalecida, un repaso sobre el proceso de desnazificación posterior a la Segunda Guerra Mundial y sus medias verdades. La memoria lucha contra el olvido mientras la historia más siniestra amenaza con repetirse".

Por Chema Álvarez Rodríguez.

EDIT | don't follow! reshared this.

Creating several friendica instances as domains and/or subdomains on one VPS with one IP


!EDIT | don't follow!
Hi there @ and @

The plan is to change this single domain ubunu 2022.04lts VPS hosting into a single IP multi domain VPS server. For that purpose some apache VPS server tutorials were checked out and the specific steps were singled out to achive that goal.

A main question hasn't been solved to define the naming of the folder structure and .conf files themself:

  • Can the domain name in VPS folder structure be:
    or does it have to be

Are both options possible or does the system, for a correct working environment, need the dot in the folder structure?

Are there any general discussions in the #apache #server environment that might lead to some standard in this regard in the future that makes it reasonable to consider one of the two above cited options as more logical to go for from the very beginning?

In the case of very long domain or subdomain names, isn't it more reasonable to choose the option without the real domain name including the dot?
https: //

Depending on the chosen naming syntax this would lead to the following folder structure options:

Does the naming of the .conf file in /etc/apache2/sites-available/ refer to the actual domain name or to the folder name used in /var/www/?

In the first answer to this topic we'll address the question about:

  • How to solve best a step by step change to migrate from a single VPS #hosting environment where one domain is served by one IP at:
    to a multi domain VPS hosting were several domains are served by one IP on one #debian #ubuntu [2022.04lts] #VPS, leaving /html in place if a client request doesn’t match any other sites, like proposed in this digitalOcean tutorial:
    /var/www/html/ as fall back option
This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)
in reply to utopiArte EDIT | don't follow! reshared this.

Installing friendica 2019.12
Installing handling of different php versions
in reply to utopiArte EDIT | don't follow! reshared this.

different php versions:

sudo apt-get install software-properties-common -y
software-properties-common is already the newest version (
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php

sudo apt-get install php7.1 php7.1-fpm php7.1-mysql libapache1-mod-php7.1 libapache2-mod-fcgid -y

printroot@tupambae:~# sudo apt-get install php7.1 php7.1-fpm php7.1-mysql libapache1-mod-php7.1 libapache2-mod-fcgid -y
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package libapache1-mod-php7.1
E: Couldn't find any package by glob 'libapache1-mod-php7.1'
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libapache1-mod-php7.1'

sudo apt-get install php7.2 php7.2-fpm php7.2-gd php7.2-mysql phpmyadmin php7.2-intl php7.2-zip php7.2-curl php7.2-mbstring libapache2-mod-php7.2 phpmyadmin libapache2-mod-fcgid php7.2-xml imagemagick -y

sudo apt install php8.1 php8.1-fpm php8.1-mysql imagemagick php8.1-imagick php8.1-gd php8.1-curl xml2 php8.1-intl php8.1-xml php8.1-mbstring php8.1-zip -y

lot's of question about restarts and stuff, all denied.
Current php8.1 version vs old and modified .. retain modified.