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stavo ripensando a quando facevo le elementari e non riesco a ricordare nemmeno una lezione in cui si sia parlato di selezione naturale o di Darwin.

MACCO's razor:
_entia sunt multiplicanda propter necessitatem_

(cit. Umberto Eco)

some background:

if you're wondering what WSPR is, look here

it's a radio propagation tool devised by Joe Taylor, a grumpy old guy was won the nobel prize for discovering a new kind of pulsar.

a few years back, I had fun telling him that his fortran code for WSJTX was ugly, lacked any comments, and it's full of bugs. he replied this: "it's open source, if you want it better, just write your own, piss off". and I did it. but open source shouldn't be like this, I think.

if you write bad/ugly/obfuscated code on purpose, in order for others not to participate to the project and maintain control, I wouldn't call that open source just cause it was released under the GPL.

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my little kiwiSDR is about to reach the top three worldwide WSPR spotters on 17m and 30m bands. and I have exactly zero merit for that. apart from living in the countryside.

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Not sure how I managed to miss Woodkid's Goliath but both the track and the video are quite something.


da poco ho visto Coffee and Cigarettes di Jim Jarmusch e in uno dei tanti sketch ci sono Tom Waits e Iggy Pop. e' carino anche se forse non e' il migliore del film

ci ho messo 40 anni a capire che johnny cash è un grande. chissà cosa tutto mi sto perdendo d'altro...

ora, immaginate Draghi che organizza un banchetto in strada per parlare ai giornalisti. io non ci riesco.

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le crisi di governo hanno questo potere di riesumare gente come tabacci e mastella. sinceramente pensavo si fossero ritirati a vita privata da anni. e invece son sempre lì, nell'ombra, a drenare risorse pubbliche e a tramare per inedite alleanze.

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Google has suspended Element (@matrix) from the Play Store for "Sexual Content and Profanity". Basically same story as with Subway Tooter a while back. Element is to Matrix as Chrome is to the web. Curiously, Chrome is still on the Play Store.

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Un'istanza mastodon antifascista prevalentemente italofona con base a Bologna - Manifesto - Cosa non si può fare qui

An antifa mostly-italian speaking mastodon istance based in Bologna - About us - What you can't do here

Tech stuff provided by Collettivo Bida