zirconic boosted

@pepsy Si devono cospargere di amuchina prima di giocare

@schestowitz Good article, but Sanders is barely a Social Democrat, and definitely not a Democratic Socialist

@openscience I think friends and family should be separate options there

@cubicgarden Strange to see such an article on The Guardian of all places

In a time of right-wing populist governments, Ireland has finally figured out the way to go

@gino@donteatanimals.org Come gira Void rispetto ad Arch?

@masklayer Still sad we lost one of the few browser engine contenders

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♻️ William Gibson: ‘I was losing a sense of how weird the real world was' 



William Gibson: ‘I was losing a sense of how weird the real world was' | Books | The Guardian www.theguardian.com/books/2020…

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actually it's only a computer if it's from the Computer region of France. otherwise it's a sparkling calculator

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*slaps roof of a kitchen* this bad boy can fit so many glass fronted display cabinets in it

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*slaps roof of a spinster's house* this bad boy can fit so many cats in it

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Guillotine everyone who writes JavaScript, PHP and Ruby. It is the first step to make software healthier. The next step is to guillotine all the managers in IT companies.
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zirconic boosted
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zirconic boosted

Raga, ci sono dei geni incompresi là fuori che noi neanche ce ne facciamo un'idea.

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Mastodon Bida.im

Un'istanza mastodon antifascista prevalentemente italofona con base a Bologna - Manifesto - Cosa non si può fare qui

An antifa mostly-italian speaking mastodon istance based in Bologna - About us - What you can't do here

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