Me, an idiot: “So, kids, by setting the thermostat a little lower and eating less meat, we’re doing our part to make the world more sustainable”

VCs, very smart: “We just raised $100 billion dollars from the sovereign wealth funds of three petrostates to build the world’s largest AI supercomputer. It uses as much power and water as Guatemala and the primary use case is for management consultants to autogenerate powerpoints for justifying mass layoffs.”

Banning TikTok shows the myopic vision of our lawmakers. The US needs comprehensive data privacy legislation that applies to *all social networks* and protects our data—and we needed it 15–20 years ago.

The LIBE committee of the European Parliament has written to the Commission with concerns that the UK’s new data protection bill will impact on the U.K. This is a big intervention from the European Parliament around the UKs plans to water down data rights #DataProtecion #privacy #EU #DPDIBill

People across Europe have been plagued by fake “consent” popups every day on almost every website and app since the GDPR was introduced almost six years ago. IAB Europe has sought to evade its responsibility for this charade. But the European Court of Justice has set it straight.

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Significant news, after many years of fighting...
This morning the European Court of Justice has ruled that IAB Europe is responsible for "TCF" consent spam popups the Internet

Open Rights Group is a grassroots non-profit organisation working to protect everyone’s rights to privacy and free speech online.

If you can, please donate to support our critical research and campaigning.

#privacy #digitalrights #dataprotection #freespeech

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The LiveRamp #adtech system raises systemic issues that can't be addressed by solutions negotiated privately and individually.

That's why ORG is presenting amendments to the UK's #DPDIBill to:

🔴 Remove barriers to bring complaints to the Information Commissioner's Office.

🔴 Ensure the ICO is accountable for their failure to enforce the law.

🔴 Give public interest organisations the right tools to promote enforcement actions for society at large.

#privacy #surveillancecapitalism #ukpolitics

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This action comes at a critical moment, as the #DPDIBill in the UK will make it more difficult to address emerging online threats.

Requirements to seek a resolution with a company like LiveRamp before complaining to the Information Commissioner's Office (the UK's independent data protection regulator) create a significant barrier to promoting regulatory compliance.

#adtech #tech #advertising #privacy #surveillancecapitalism

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“The Liveramp system is intrusive and lets advertisers link people’s actual address and name with their browsing habits.

These new and dangerous technologies are an attempt to get around changes that limit the use of tracking cookies, and to make online advertising more intrusive, rather than less.

Now is the time to halt these new and dangerous technologies before they get out of hand.”

🗣️ @jim – ORG Executive Director

#adtech #tech #advertising #privacy #surveillancecapitalism

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ORG's complaints raise urgent concerns about the LiveRamp #adtech system:

🔴 Personal data processing without a valid legal basis

🔴 Lack of data protections throughout the advertising supply chain

🔴 More intrusive than previous adtech systems, combining online and offline identifiers (such as name, email and phone numbers, home addresses etc) for more privacy-invasive profiling

🔴 LiveRamp operates in the background and lacks transparency

#tech #advertising #privacy #surveillancecapitalism

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ORG has submitted complaints in the UK and France about LiveRamp, an online advertising and data broking company.

An investigation commissioned by ORG shows the new #adtech system undermines #privacy through invasive profiling.

Thousands of #advertising companies draw detailed profiles of Internet users’ online activities to target them with ads. It's the backbone of #surveillancecapitalism and it's proven to be harmful.

So we're taking action ⬇️


It's almost like if we needed a data protection rule that prevents data transfers to countries that do not provide sufficient human rights and rule of law standards... oh wait!

The Government has and will keep denying that there are any issues but, as we know, they cannot be trusted. @openrightsgroup will keep engaging with the Lords to avoid this annouced car crash. If you want to support us, join our campaign

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The stakes are high for the UK: loosing the adequacy decision would make data transfers from the EU to the UK illegal. This would cost UK businesses 1-1.6 billions in legal fees alone, hinder trade, and singificantly increase red tape.

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The positions of the European Parliament on these issues should never been underestimated. The Court of Justice has already invalidated two EU adequacy decisions in 2015 and 2020, upon grounds that were already voiced by several MEPs.

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Before sending the DPDI Bill to the Lords, the Government ambushed the House of Commons with 240 amendments. They said they meant to address concerns around EU adequacy but, as it seems, defying democratic scrutiny does not improve legislation

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In doing so, the UK Govt are breaking their promise to retain high data protection standards, and endangering relations in key areas such as GDPR adequacy, the Trade and Cooperation Agreement, as well as cross border cooperation on law enforcement and immigration control issues.

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Indeed, governance of biometric data is the last of a long list of concerns raised against the DPDI Bill, which would give undemocratic powers to the Government to override the law that Parliament enacts and dictate the behaviour of the ICO, the UK data protection watchdog.

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Both moves are a step back from changes in UK law that were enacted as a result of S and Marper v. the United Kingdom. This judgement is a cornerstone of modern data protection law, and the significance of the UK taking a backward step cannot be understated.

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The written question raises concerns around changes in the DPDI Bill that would allow the indefinite retention of certain biometric data and abolish the office of the Biometrics and Camera Commissioner. These concerns should not come as a surpise...

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Un'istanza mastodon antifascista prevalentemente italofona con base a Bologna - Manifesto - Cosa non si può fare qui

An antifa mostly-italian speaking mastodon istance based in Bologna - About us - What you can't do here

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