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Resistenza Femminista contro la guerra;

“Martinka” è una linea telefonica diretta che aiuta le donne ucraine rifugiate. “Martinka” aiuta le donne sopravvissute alla violenza di genere (sessuale e domestica) ad ottenere assistenza psicologica e medica in Polonia, dove l’aborto e la contraccezione d’emergenza sono criminalizzati.

Il bot di Martinka su Telegram:

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Per chi è appena arrivato su ed è consiglio vivamente di *non* usare la ufficiale "mastodon", ma di installare una tra quelle che trovate a questo link:

Le migliori sono per e per

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We know the ECB commissioned a legal opinion on the legality of those actions. And we want to see that opinion, but the ECB refuses to make it public.

The ECB has the exorbitant power to close down a Eurozone country’s banks. Exercising this power with decisions made behind closed doors by unelected officials is inconsistent with European democracy.

The least Europeans can expect is access to legal opinions that they have paid for regarding the exercise of the ECB’s power.

release !

nikol boosted

Not only did the US veto a #Palestine UN membership in a resolution at the #UNSC; "Leaked cables obtained by The Intercept show U.S. pressure on Security Council members including Malta—which currently presides over the body—and Ecuador.

While claiming that President Joe #Biden backs “#Palestinians aspirations for statehood,” one of the cables asserts..." [See Image]

Leaked Cables Show Biden Pressuring Nations to Oppose Palestine’s UN Membership

nikol boosted

Anatomy of a Genocide, is the title of the report by Francesca Albanese, UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967.

Albanese concludes:

'A key finding of this report is that Israel has strategically invoked the [international humanitarian law] framework as “humanitarian camouflage” to legitimize its genocidal violence in Gaza.'

In other words, the zionist entity has been playing international law as a cover for its genocide.

And we've all been witnessing it.

The report is only 25 pages. You can read the advance version here:

#UN #genocide #StopGenocide #FreePalestine #FrancescaAlbanese #InternationalLaw

nikol boosted
nikol boosted

Release day today for the massive minimalists BIG|BRAVE, and "A Chaos of Flowers" finds them toying with velvety menacing guitars, fragile atmospheres and eerie vocal scales. This is a unique-sounding band in every sense of the term, and a feat of an album to be featured in many top-of-the-year lists.
#music #μουσική #ERisNowPlaying #newreleases2024 #experimental #dronemusic

nikol boosted
nikol boosted

Anche Google ha giustificato con un linguaggio simile i licenziamenti a seguito delle proteste contro il progetto Nimbus: "Google ha dichiarato che alcuni impiegati «hanno occupato gli spazi degli uffici, hanno deturpato le nostre proprietà e hanno fisicamente impedito il lavoro di altri Googler. Le loro azioni sono inaccettabili, estremamente dirompenti e hanno fatto sentire minacciati i colleghi»".

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nikol boosted

Molto interessante come negli Stati Uniti il linguaggio dell'inclusività venga usato per attaccare le manifestazioni di solidarietà ai palestinesi: "Il Congresso ha istituito una commissione parlamentare d’inchiesta sull’antisemitismo che ha convocato numerosi dirigenti universitari per rendere conto delle misure istituite per garantire uno «spazio sicuro» per gli studenti ebrei, cioè per limitare le manifestazioni e le espressioni di solidarietà con i palestinesi [...] Alla New York University, il mese scorso, è stata interrotta una lettura in cui è stata recitata l’ultima poesia di Refaat Alalreer, un poeta ucciso nella Striscia di Gaza poche settimane prima. Anche la sua invocazione ad essere ricordato è stata giudicata «aggressiva» nei confronti del corpo studentesco ebraico."

nikol boosted

“Today is a sad day. Because of the veto by the United States! The application by #Palestine for full membership at the #UN has been rejected, and the decades-long dream of the Palestinian people ruthlessly dashed.”

nikol boosted

Australian protesters oppose Gaza genocide: Imperialist powers are "not just complicit, but directly responsible"

#australian #reform

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Breaking News:

🇮🇷 vs 🇮🇱 IRAN MOCKS ENEMY: "There's been no airstrike in Isfahan or other parts of the country. They only made a failed and humiliating attempt to fly quadcopters, and they were all shot down."

nikol boosted


"Capitalists don't want market economies, where they have to compete with one another, eroding their margins and profits – they want a planned economy, like Amazon, where Party Secretary Bezos and his commissars tell merchants what they can sell and tell us what we must pay:"

nikol boosted


And there you have it:

"Capitalists hate capitalism, because capitalism only works if the capitalists are in a constant state of terror inspired by the knowledge that tomorrow, someone smarter could come along and open a better business, poaching their customers and workers, and putting the capitalist on the breadline."

nikol boosted

Altroché "taxi del mare"...

Iuventa, prosciolti tutti gli imputati - Notizie -

> Dopo sette anni il procedimento penale si chiude con la sentenza di 'non luogo a procedere' (ANSA)

nikol boosted

To help us better support journalists and information-media on the social web we are looking for funding to sustain and grow.

This will help us continue to pave the way for meaningful conversations on crucial topics in spaces free from ads or the political influences of billionaires.

The best way to support us, is by subscribing to our Patreon here: or by making a one-off donation on our site:

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nikol boosted

Today is #FossilFriday & yesterday was #VolcanoThursday. During #hedgewatch on #Fuerteventura my humans saw this red stripe between 2 #lava flows. Its #paleosoil that was #fried by the upper flow some mill a ago. Ironoxid is often red & iron can be found in basalt
#geology #geologywithcats #canaryislands #travel #nature #naturephotography

nikol boosted

Help! Is there anyone who can explain to me what the cultural significance of the phrase "Carl seinem Gretchen" might be in Vienna in about 1870? I understand what the words mean, but there’s some cultural reference I’m missing, I think.

nikol boosted
nikol boosted

Combine Angelou's "When someone shows you who they are, believe them" with the truism that in politics, "every accusation is a confession" and you get: "Every time someone accuses you of a vice, they're showing you who they are and you should believe them."


If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:


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nikol boosted

Le 24 avril à 20h au cinéma Star de Strasbourg, en présence de Stella Assange et Kristinn Hrafnsson, @czorn tête de liste Pirate pour l'élection 2024, ainsi que @marketkag et @echo_pbreyer (députés Pirates au parlement UE) seront à la projection-débat de "Ithaka, le combat pour libérer #Assange".

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Un'istanza mastodon antifascista prevalentemente italofona con base a Bologna - Manifesto - Cosa non si può fare qui

An antifa mostly-italian speaking mastodon istance based in Bologna - About us - What you can't do here

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