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It's not the old internet you miss, it's some of the things that were in the old internet. The same things could be in the internet today. It's not the old internet you're looking for. Take it where you can find it, in old phonograph records, old UNIX environments, and in old friends; look for it in nature and look for it in yourself.

The old internet was only one type of receptacle where we stored a lot of things we were afraid we might forget...The magic is only in what the internet says, how it stitched the patches of the universe together into one garment for us.

The old internet showed pores in the face of life. The comfortable people want only wax moon faces, poreless, hairless, expressionless. We are living in a time when flowers are trying to live on flowers, instead of growing on good rain and black loam.

Even fireworks, for all their prettiness, come from the chemistry of the earth. Yet somehow we think we can grow, feeding on flowers and fireworks, without completing the cycle back to reality.

Do you know the legend of Hercules and Antaeus, the giant wrestler, whose strength was incredible so long as he stood firmly on the earth. But when he was held, rootless, in mid-air, by Hercules, he perished easily. If there isn't something in that legend for us today, in this internet, in our time, then I am
completely insane.

First woman in the United States to get a Ph.D. Helen Magill:

My great great grandfather graduated from Boston University the same year she did. He wrote an award winning essay on women's rights while he was there. Years later he became the first politician in Canada to introduce women's suffrage legislation (provincially), twice, both times voted down -- a quarter of a century before the legislation would finally pass.

Connecting the dots makes me wonder if she had an impact on my g.g. grandfather while he was there.

The high point for various operating systems (according to me) 

1. Microsoft Windows - NT4 Service Pack 3 - 1997/98.
2. Apple Mac - OS X Snow Leopard - 2009
3. Ubuntu Linux - Hardy Heron 8.04 - 2008
4. Debian Linux - Debian 11 (Bullseye) - 2021
5. OpenBSD - 7.6 (Current) - 2024


I’m glad they clarified what the policy change meant. They don’t sell user data, they “give” or “share” it with partners, who then “donate” to Mozilla. It’s not “selling”, it’s quid pro quo! :flan_think::flan_facepalm:

Using a Firefox fork seems to be the better choice of bad options. It might be a short term solution, but I’m willing to change when the landscape inevitably changes again.

Steve boosted

Flowers for Friday. Early spring crocus flowers. Purple petals and bright yellow stamens.

Unboxed my One. Arrived this morning. It will replace my 10+ year old WiFi router -- which also ran OpenWrt.

I have a two router setup at home. An router handles the external internet connection and firewall, and the WiFi router sits behind it.

Steve boosted

just downloaded and installed Waterfox as an alternative to Firefox with Mozilla's new terms of service allowing them to sell data to advertisers or use for training AI

Steve boosted
Steve boosted

Maybe this is the 11-second video of kittens sleeping & breathing you need right now. #catsOfMastodon #RipleyAndJonesy

Steve boosted

How to settle disputes, the Danish/Canadian way.

"The Whisky War, also known as the Liquor Wars, was a bloodless war and border dispute between the Kingdom of Denmark and Canada over Hans Island. Between 1973 and 2022, the island was under dispute between the two nations, although never amounting to direct conflict or violence"

Steve boosted

In the wee hours of #Caturday, Ripley — having just made the photo over the mantle hang at an angle — turns her attention to chewing the lampshade. #CatsOfMastodon #RipleyAndJonesy #JustRipley

Steve boosted

Another fresh new year!

21 new VMs were added and 66 VMs were renewed.

We donated €1200 to the #OpenBSD Foundation, €48750 since we started.

Thank you, our users, and OpenBSD developers for an awesome OS!

Stay safe, sane & healthy!

#RUNBSD in 2025

Steve boosted
Steve boosted
Steve boosted

Sure, you can renew MS Office 365 for $130/yr. You can also install LibreOffice for free, donate $30 to the nice volunteers developing it, and still have $100 extra left over for groceries.

Steve boosted
Steve boosted

The now disintegrated head of comet C/2024 G3 (ATLAS) has completed its transit through STEREO-A's HI1 field of view. Here's an animation over Jan 15-20 showing the evolution of the comet's many synchronic dust tails, with a sharpened (temporal high pass filtered) version showing the extensive network of striae cutting across those tails. A sodium tail also becomes visible starting Jan 16, leading the broad dust fan and pointing to the lower left.

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