#NaziDon was completely out of MF'ing mind.
Not only did he defend #Putin, but he ACTUALLY demanded SYMPATHY for Putin "having to endure the #RussiaRussiaRussia investigation and #HunterBiden's Laptop."
#DementiaDon is so far up Putin's ass he doesn't know where Putin ends and he begins.
As I said yesterday, #KingCharles needs to humiliate #MangoMussolini & rescind that "historic second state dinner" he offered the day before after seeing how he treated #Zelensky.
@MugsysRapSheet @_9CL7T9k8cjnD_
Spiteful Trump wanted to get back at Zelensky for the first impeachment.
@adavid @_9CL7T9k8cjnD_
And (believe it or not), I believe T**** is ignoring The #BirdFlu & #Measles outbreaks b/c he thinks he can prove he was right to ignore #Covid. #SpitefulTrump
@MugsysRapSheet @adavid @_9CL7T9k8cjnD_ They're trying to close all travel. it's why they're fucking up the FAA, and it's why they're allowing outbreaks. Completely close the borders, suspend all air travel.
@RinostarGames @MugsysRapSheet @adavid The #ConspiracyTheory lobe of my brain agrees with you. I think much of what Trump and team are doing would be classified as a #DecapitationStrike with the intent to #DamageGovernment sew #Chaos
@_9CL7T9k8cjnD_ @MugsysRapSheet @adavid I remember in January there was reporting that Trump was looking for an outbreak in order to close the southern border, so of course this is where my mind is gonna go.
@RinostarGames @MugsysRapSheet @adavid It falls in line with the blackout of health and government information sources.
@RinostarGames @MugsysRapSheet @adavid I have worked and taught in Africa. This type of behavior is common in places like Uganda and Rwanda. Manipulation of media and #Psyops. It's just that this is the first time the populace of the US has experienced these techniques. #TheUSIsNaive