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Resistenza Femminista contro la guerra;

“Martinka” è una linea telefonica diretta che aiuta le donne ucraine rifugiate. “Martinka” aiuta le donne sopravvissute alla violenza di genere (sessuale e domestica) ad ottenere assistenza psicologica e medica in Polonia, dove l’aborto e la contraccezione d’emergenza sono criminalizzati.

Il bot di Martinka su Telegram:

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Per chi è appena arrivato su ed è consiglio vivamente di *non* usare la ufficiale "mastodon", ma di installare una tra quelle che trovate a questo link:

Le migliori sono per e per

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We know the ECB commissioned a legal opinion on the legality of those actions. And we want to see that opinion, but the ECB refuses to make it public.

The ECB has the exorbitant power to close down a Eurozone country’s banks. Exercising this power with decisions made behind closed doors by unelected officials is inconsistent with European democracy.

The least Europeans can expect is access to legal opinions that they have paid for regarding the exercise of the ECB’s power.

release !

nikol boosted

Il 10% della popolazione mondiale detiene il 90% della ricchezza.
Le tensioni geopolitiche scaturiscono anche da questa disparità.

nikol boosted

I still hear people arguing that prosecuting a former president sets a “dangerous precedent.”

The truly dangerous precedent would be to establish that presidents are above the law.

nikol boosted

If you could witness any moment in history firsthand, what would it be and why?

nikol boosted
nikol boosted

i'm gonna pack orders this afternoon and then my dad is going to take me to the post office if you want something

nikol boosted

Yanis Varoufakis Banned from Germany as Berlin Police Raid & Shut Down Palestinian Conference via @democracynow

nikol boosted

Σήμερα, με την Amy Goodman, στο Democracy Now! μεταξύ 8-9 π.μ. ET (15.00-16.00 ώρα Ελλάδας). Μπορείτε να παρακολουθήσετε ζωντανά το @democracynow στη διεύθυνση

nikol boosted

The West's double standards have made a joke out of the so-called international rules-based order. Embassies are supposed to be sovereign territory. How did the West respond when Ecuador violated Mexico's Embassy in Quito or Israel bombed Iran's Damascus Embassy? With silence!

nikol boosted

I shall be on Democracy Now! between 8-9am ET (14.00-15.00CET). You can stream @democracynow live at

nikol boosted

C'è un nuovo estratto dal nuovo album deə King Hannah, Davey Says, ovvero King Hannah in the garage

#FediRadio #AltRock #KingHannah #NewMusic

nikol boosted

This is a historic tech action in a long proud tradition.

From Polaroid workers rejecting their work contributing to S Africa's passbooks, to the MIT research strike where scientists refused to work for warfare; to Geoff Hinton relocating to Canada to avoid building US weapons.

nikol boosted
nikol boosted

Also, as I've said many times regarding several other wars and single armed incursions,
there is no "retaliation", "vengeance", "balance" or similar casus belli. Applying equally for every State regardless of what we think of the State/regime in question.
There is a "self-defense" mechanism which is defined as only valid while defending against an actually ongoing armed attack, which ends the moment that armed attack ends, meaning a single instance of attack, not an entire war or campaign. After that, the matter is to be taken to the UNSC and/or ICJ.
"Counter-attacking", "retaliatory strike" or whatever weeks or even hours later is NOT valid "self-defense" and neither is crazy claims some made of "preemptive self-defense" attacks. They are all simply acts of war of aggression.
That's not "my opinions", but the rules all States imposed on themselves by declaring themselves as States; current intl law.

Compare to if Steve was out partying and was punched by Joe, then everyone goes home, but then Steve drives over to Joe's apartment a couple of weeks later to punch back. Nobody would consider that to then be a "self-defense" act.
Same if Steve just decided that "I think Joe will punch me soon, so I will drive over to Joe's place and punch Joe first, in self-defense".
That is not self-defense.

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nikol boosted

#OtD 16 Apr 1999 a bill to require that military action by the UK against Iraq be approved by parliament, rather than launched unilaterally by the govt, was scheduled for debate. But on advice from the Labour govt, the debate was blocked by the Queen

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nikol boosted

Don’t include Iranian women as part of the “enemy” narrative, their struggle is ours. #Iran

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nikol boosted

Time to boycott #Nike

Or at least fire their stupid all-male leadership and "design" team.

Nike's Olympic track women's uniforms criticized by athletes over sexism concerns

"And if you honestly think that on the most important days of our careers we're choosing what we wear to appease the men watching over what we're most comfortable and confident in, to execute to the best of our abilities, that's pretty offensive," she added.

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Many people remember the historic demonstrations that shut down the summit of the World Trade Organization in Seattle in 1999 as a breakthrough for anarchist direct action. The mobilization against the summit of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund in Washington, DC the following April confirmed the movement's strength, popularizing tactics that are widely used today.

This oral history explores the A16 mobilization in depth:

The photo shows the black bloc driving back police by charging them with two sections of fencing. 🏴


"We walked straight into downtown, saw the blockades, the sleeping dragons, the big yellow puppet and went down to I street. All of the streets there were blockaded."

"We were so crazy, so fearless. I remember at some point marching with the anarchists past this construction site. And a whole bunch of us picked up this fence, these couple of links of fence, and charged the police line. It was so wild, the cops running away from us!"

nikol boosted

Journalists of New York Times instructed to restrict the use of the terms “genocide” & “ethnic cleansing” & to “avoid” using the phrase “occupied territory” & not to use the word Palestine “except in very rare cases” #Gaza #Palestine

nikol boosted
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Un'istanza mastodon antifascista prevalentemente italofona con base a Bologna - Manifesto - Cosa non si può fare qui

An antifa mostly-italian speaking mastodon istance based in Bologna - About us - What you can't do here

Tech stuff provided by Collettivo Bida