SECOND UPDATE 14 JANUARY 2025: in future, I will update my vocabulary, using terms #Zionazism #zionazi REASON: 'Judeonazi', used in the 1950s & 60s should 've made a zionist self-reflect and say 'Wow. Hang on! We're actually hypocrits'. Didn't work then, won't work now.
The term also allows #farright zionists to moan & play victim, and not give a toss about what 'judeonazism' really means.
Thanks to @bhasic and @prolrage, for using the term and it's a good idea.
UPDATE: 14 March 2024, re-boosted for the cheap seats in the back: THIS man made up the phrase. NOT me! I only agree with it...and use the phrase OFTEN!!!
#YeshayahuLeibowitz who is Jewish, coined the phrase #judeonazism