📝 The EDPB has just published its binding opinion on "Pay or Okay" on large online platforms 💶💶💶

Read the full text here:


EU data protection body says Meta’s ‘pay or OK’ model is not OK
EU data protection body says Meta’s ‘pay or OK’ model is not OKThe European Data Protection Board opposed Meta's controversial "pay or okay" business model in an opinion published on Wednesday (17 April), saying this binary approach was not compliant with the EU's data privacy rules.euractiv.com/section/platforms…

Ogni settimana, senza rendercene conto, ingeriamo una quantità di microplastiche pari al peso di una carta di credito. Un dato inquietante, che diventa ancora più allarmante alla luce di una nuova ricerca che svela il tragitto di queste particelle invisibili una volta introdotte nel nostro organismo. Capiamone di più insieme.

#futuro #futuroprossimo #salute #microplastiche #ricerca


Ragionamenti artificiali - I nuovi annunci di Meta e OpenAI alzano ancora l’asticella della competizione nell’automazione cognitiva. Meglio togliere di mezzo le parole ambigue. E studiare a fondo il funzionamento reale di queste tecnologie lasvolta.it/12457/ragionamenti

The openness of AI models cannot be reduced to just their licensing — says @mweinberg in his recent post, drawing from experience with open hardware. In this note, we explain why we agree with Mike's position 👉 openfuture.eu/note/mike-weinbe #AI #OpenLicense

The LMSYS Chatbot Arena Leaderboard is one of the most interesting approaches to evaluating LLMs because it captures their ever-elusive "vibes" - it works by users voting on the best responses to prompts from two initially hidden models

Big news today is that Command R+ - a brand new open weights model (noncommercial Creative Commons) - is now the highest ranked non-proprietary model, in at position six and beating one of the GPT-4s


una mia mozione di sette anni fa sull'uso della IA nelle armi.

inizialmente largamente sottoscritta, pensavo venisse approvata senza colpo ferire. invece..

invece respinta dalla maggioranza (e da molti che inizialmente la sottoscrissero) e bocciata.

giudicate voi


ad un collega (che votó contro) chiesi "tu ti fidi del tuo computer?". subodorando la trappola rispose "ma quelli dei militari non sbagliano"

Oggi abbiamo queste "allucinazioni"

🤫 Aggiornati i confini delle unità amministrative a fini statistici al 1° gennaio 2024, di Istat

🎙️ Our new Podcast episode is up! 🥳

This week, we're sitting down with Manton Reece! ( @manton ) to talk about Micro.Blog, IndieWeb principles, building a small company, and the joy of having your own personal, customized space online.


We are part of the #ZOOOMProject consortium, a #HorizonEU project with the purpose of promoting open technologies. 🚀

💡 Recently, the :fsfe: #FSFE legal team produced 4 chapters in 2 comprehensive reports, dealing with many topics, and providing empirical data on #FreeSoftware topics in 🇪🇺 in relation to critical technologies, such as AI.

📃 Check them out!
🔸 zooom4u.eu/wp-content/uploads/
🔹 zooom4u.eu/wp-content/uploads/

PeerTube is the Fediverse's video platform. You can follow and interact with PeerTube accounts entirely within Mastodon if you prefer, or you can sign up on a PeerTube server if you want.

I run a website to help people explore and use PeerTube:

➡️ fedi.video

The website also has an account boosting interesting PeerTube videos at:

➡️ @FediVideo

There is a long thread full of nice PeerTube accounts to follow at:

➡️ social.growyourown.services/@F

#FediTips #PeerTube #Fediverse

Do you use developer.mozilla.org as a resource?
If yes, please become an Open Web Docs (OWD) sponsor @ github.com/sponsors/openwebdoc


* The 4-person OWD team writes and reviews over half the PRs, ensuring that MDN Web Docs remains relevant, useful, accurate, and browser-agnostic.

* OWD survives on donations from individuals and corporations

* OWD gets no money from MDN (not from Mozilla, MDN plus, nor site ads)

Please sponsor OWD on GitHub, along with other open-source projects you use.

The eldest among us remember the First Web, before search engines were Good Actually. They used secret magics to make sense of the chaos that was the First Web.

Site directories.

Web rings.

Home pages linking to trusted sites.

Homework and jello shooter recipes study notes.

Now that the Search Engines have fallen it is time to bring those ancient tools back, for ourselves and the youngest among us who never knew the First Web.

#ThePHPFoundation, alongside leading open source organizations including the #Apache SoftwareFoundation, #Blender Foundation, #OpenSSL Software Foundation, #Python Software Foundation, #Rust Foundation, and #Eclipse Foundation, announced today a collaborative initiative aimed at establishing common cybersecurity standards in alignment with the European Union’s Cyber Resilience Act (#CRA):


Gli stati dell’UE continuano a non essere d’accordo su #chatcontrol

Gli stati dell’UE continuano a non essere d’accordo sulle questioni chiave riguardanti il ​​previsto controllo della chat. Ciò emerge dai documenti di negoziazione interna che pubblichiamo. La Presidenza belga presenta idee tecniche ma, quando interpellata, non spiega come dovrebbero funzionare.



"open source needs more funding!"

*nation state pays for backdoor*

"not like that!"

Cose su cui tutti, utenti finali compresi, dovrebbero riflettere quando si parla di open source e software libero (o servizi liberi):


«There will be lots of analysis of the xz/liblzma vulnerability. However, I’ve found most skip over the first step of the attack:

Original maintainer burns out, and only the attacker offers to help (so attacker inherits trust built up by the original maintainer)»

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Mastodon Bida.im

Un'istanza mastodon antifascista prevalentemente italofona con base a Bologna - Manifesto - Cosa non si può fare qui

An antifa mostly-italian speaking mastodon istance based in Bologna - About us - What you can't do here

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