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😂😂😂 fantastic Simpsons meme from the provisional ISF. All in jest the British working class are my comrades

"I wish for my remains to be cremated. I do not wish for my ashes to be scattered or my remains to be buried as my body does not belong anywhere in this world. If a time comes when Palestinians regain control of their land, and if the people native to the land would be open to the possibility, I would love for my ashes to be scattered in a free Palestine"

Aaron Bushnell

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"Nicaragua takes Germany to ICJ for failing to prevent genocide against Palestinians"

Thank you Nicaragua. Our politicians and citizens in germany really need a wakeup call. If the "firing on hungry civilians" didn't do it, I really hope this court case is it.

#Gaza #Palestine #Israel #StopArmingIsrael

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"In non esiste un “Giorno della memoria” dedicato al ricordo delle vittime africane provocate dal fascista.
Una storia criminale rimossa e nascosta sotto il falso mito degli “”."


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The death toll of the Gaza Genocide has officially surpassed 20,000.

This is the Health Ministry’s count.
The Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor estimates the real number, including the thousands entombed beneath the rubble of their homes, to currently be 26,612.

That would mean that Israel has killed 1.15% of Gaza’s entire population.

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Scegliete la vostra finalista:

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this thing of meta coming to (exploit) the fediverse makes me think of all the people asking me why I don't use whatsapp. and now I think I figured the best answer: the question should not be why I don't use whatsapp but why do you entrust most of your digital communication to the app of a company managed by sociopaths who have blood on their hands?

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Salve a tutti, voi non lo sapete ma di mestiere sono un programmatore Java. Posso occuparmi anche di analisi dei requisiti e progettazione e formazione. Non esitate a contattarmi se avete dei lavori da propormi. <3 Ogni boost sarà apprezzato.

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🇵🇸Arrivée légalement en France pour y tenir des conférences, la militante féministe palestinienne de 72 ans #MariamAbuDaqqa a été interpellée violemment à minuit par 4 policiers pour expulsion vers #Gaza

Le #PartideGauche réclame sa libération immédiate

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A diary of distress

"Many of my friends have reached out to me – especially those with whom I studied for my master’s degree in the US. I’m not sure what I should tell them.

Should I tell them there is a genocide going on? Should I mention the numerous massacres taking place?

Should I start with the Nakba – the 1948 ethnic cleansing of Palestine? Or with the occupation of Gaza and the West Bank that began in 1967?

Should I tell them about massacres that took place in 2008, 2012, 2014, 2021 and 2022? Or the massacre of yesterday?

Should I urge them to take to the streets and protest against Joe Biden and the West’s unwavering support for the Israeli occupation?

Why is it necessary to continuously educate Americans about the situation? Haven’t they learned enough?"


#Gaza #Palestine #Israel #Genocide #palestinesolidarity

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Passa la risoluzione ONU sulla protezione della popolazione Palestinese. L'Italia si astiene. #Vergogna #GovernoDiPagliacci #Genocidio #NoWar

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Today was ... interesting. If you followed me for the past months over on the shitbird site, you might have seen a bunch of angry German words, lots of graphs, and the occassional news paper, radio, or TV snippet with yours truely. Let me explain.

In Austria, inflation is way above the EU average. There's no end in sight. This is especially true for basic needs like energy and food.

Our government stated in May that they'd build a food price database together with the big grocery chains. But..

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A commercial company enslaved a nation comprising two hundred millions. Tell this to a man free from superstition and he will fail to grasp what these words mean.
-- Leo Tolstoy

#anarchism #quote #bot

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HP are such scammers

I posted about this very cheap printer before, which strongly suggests that there is No USB, only Wifi. When I first got it I figured out how to print over the network without using the app they try to bully you into downloading.

It turns out it's even easier to print, just use the USB port they try to pretend isn't there!

No company is going to rewrite their firmware to remove the USB stack. It's even more expensive to redesign the hardware to get rid of the USB port physically. They opted for the cheapest option, a little sticker.

They are just trying to store everyone's documents in their stupid cloud service that some teenage extortion group is going to break into and leak one day. Don't give them your data.

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Secondo una ricerca pubblicata da Somo, la multinazionale assume tre ruoli diversi e in potenziale conflitto nel mercato. Agisce come intermediaria stabilendo regole e prezzi; agisce come venditrice in concorrenza con chi utilizza la piattaforma per distribuire i propri prodotti; e infine agisce come fornitrice di servizi per la vendita online, come logistica e pubblicità.

Sfruttando la sua posizione di intermediaria, ha usato i dati ottenuti dai venditori per creare copie più economiche dei loro prodotti ,da vendere sulla sua stessa piattaforma. E poi li ha costretti ad acquisire i servizi offerti dalla piattaforma per restare competitivi. Servizi che vengono offerti a tariffe sempre più elevate e imponendo condizioni di abuso.

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From the Internet (not my words):

“If enforcing gender norms requires a constant state of surveillance and censorship then they probably aren’t as innate as you think they are.”

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