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Not even 24 hrs after making history as the first company to mass fire workers for pro-Palestine protests, by summarily firing 28 people, Google announced that the “(ir)responsible AI org,” the one they created in response to firing me, is now reporting up the Israeli office, through an SVP there.

Seems like they want us to know how forcefully and clearly they are backing this genocide.

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Google went from “don’t be evil” to “help commit genocide or you’re fired”.

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I see that the “Future of Humanity Institute” is closing down (someone forwarded me a tweet by an account that has blocked me). Good riddance but don’t celebrate just yet because TESCREALists are only amassing more power, now matter how many of them are exposed or, like, perpetuate the biggest frauds in US history, or how much of the blatantly racist eugenicists they are is exposed.

Turns out white men just fail up.

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«il lavoro, l’impresa, la tipicità e la peculiarità del prodotto italiano che tutti ci invidiano nel mondo». MAVAMMORÌAMMAZZATO.

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"A ottobre Luigi Bernardini, 76 anni, operaio presso una ditta in subappalto, ha perso la vita lungo il tratto ligure della A12. Una distrazione mentre lavorava."

"A febbraio a Vallà, frazione di Riese Pio X in provincia di Treviso, è morto Adriano Gallo, 72 anni. Era impiegato in un vivaio, un muletto lo ha travolto. A marzo a Fornaci di Braga, in provincia di Lucca, è rimasto gravemente ferito un uomo di 72 anni. Scaricava metalli, ma una parte del prodotto gli è precipitata addosso. Nello stesso mese a Bari è toccato a un quasi ottantenne: a 79 anni un operaio è precipitato nella tromba dell’ascensore di un palazzo in costruzione."

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Meat industry lobbyists described the outcome of COP28- which notable failed to rein in animal agriculture and its associated emissions- as "music to our ears”.
#climate #meat #ClimateCollapse #emissions

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It astounds me how effective the plastics industry was at duping the public as far back as the “crying indian” ad. We are a nation of suckers. We always were.

“Plastic experts say recycling is a scam. Should we even do it anymore?”


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Open source is about more than just code

As some of the dust around the xz backdoor is slowly starting to settle, we've been getting a pretty clear picture of what, exactly, happened, and it's not pretty. This is a story of the sole maintainer of a crucial building block of the open source stack having mental health issues, which at least partly contributes to a lack of interest in maintaining



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"But I want to connect with people on Threads!"

So make an account on Threads.

"Why would I do that? Have you seen the app? It requests so many permissions, it's a privacy nightmare!"

You. Don't. Say.

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On a comment in a @cstross thread earlier today re: evidence of agricultural collapse, I said we were already in agricultural collapse, and someone (foolishly) asked me to expand on that… it got long and ranty so I’m pulling it out and giving it its own thread.

Caveats: I am not an expert, just a farmer. I’m from the US so this will be US centric. We have a dairy, so dairy and animal ag may make a disproportionate appearance.

Friendly reminder che 1) il Comune non è un amico e 2) l'amministrazione non contrasta la speculazione immobiliare ma la cavalca


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Pubblico · Chiunque su Facebook o fuori Facebook
▪22/23 MARZO 2024▪
synth-o-matic _ vol.5
____________LIVE SET- WORKSHOP - ART__________

◾️Torna a Bologna , 𝟮𝟮 - 𝟮𝟯 𝗠𝗔𝗥𝗭𝗢 , 𝗦𝗬𝗡𝗧𝗛-𝗢-𝗠𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗖 , il festival dedicato alla musica techno/elettronica e arte visiva, senza dj.
Una quinta edizione ricca di novità!!!
❯❯❯Venerdì 22 - Archivio storico dei movimenti - via Avesella 5/a - Bologna
Esposizione "2224" sulle pareti dell'archivio (info in post)
Ore 21 Presentazione STEREO -Riprendiamoci la musica!
Ore 21:30 Inizio live set slow& ambient

❯❯❯𝗺𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗮𝗿𝘁 - 𝗺𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗶𝘀𝘁𝘀 - 𝗺𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝘀𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗱 𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘀𝘂𝗿𝗲 ❮❮❮

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The Alien setting is the only realistic depiction of what space travel is going to be like. Depressing, dark, damp, ultra-capitalist, and dominated by ruthless military-industrial corporations.

Sorry to be a downer.

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Dopo l’incidente ferroviario di Brandizzo è cambiato poco o niente
Le norme di sicurezza sono le stesse, non sono stati introdotti nuovi strumenti tecnologici e i manutentori dicono che la pressione sul lavoro è aumentata

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Oh bene, mi accorgo solo ora che su Univadis è uscito il mio breve approfondimento sullo stato della medicina evoluzionistica. Perché a noi biologi pare ovvio: gli esseri umani sono una specie tra le tante, e il suo (mal)funzionamento non si può interpretare se non alla luce dell'evoluzione, Dobzhansky docet. Eppure esiste ancora una reticenza, nell'insegnamento e visione medica, ad adottare un punto di vista evoluzionistico. Un grande grazie al professor Fabio Zampieri.

Intanto vi saluta un Darwin-australopiteco medico, generato da Midjourney (fargli fare un Darwin medico fatto bene è piuttosto difficile pare).


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Reddit signed a deal with Google to use its data to train LLMs. To celebrate, we made a firefox extension that lets you replace all your comments with any text of your choosing. All we ask is that you not choose something copyrighted. The New York Times is currently suing OpenAI for training ChatGPT on its copyrighted material, and we wouldn't want Reddit's uniquely valuable data to become hopelessly intermingled with that of litigious copyright-holders.


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Amongst other things, @GreatDismal accurately predicted shitty Instagram filters (Count Zero, 1986)

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All Protocol Observed

Welcome to Issue 152 of The Continent

The world is poised to enter a new era of extraction from Africa to avert catastrophic climate change.

Italy’s energy giant Eni wants African farmers to grow the crops for the biofuels to power planes and ships — transport accounts for a quarter of all carbon emissions. It’s rolling out a project with tens of thousands of farmers in at least six countries.

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Mastodon Bida.im

Un'istanza mastodon antifascista prevalentemente italofona con base a Bologna - Manifesto - Cosa non si può fare qui

An antifa mostly-italian speaking mastodon istance based in Bologna - About us - What you can't do here

Tech stuff provided by Collettivo Bida