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Replied to stephie :betterpride_flag:

Zu den Plänen von #Trump & #Netanyahu die Bevölkerung von #Gaza komplett zu vetreiben - kann man folgenden Artikel in der meist gelesen Tageszeitung von #Israel #IsraelHayom lesen:

Offen genozidale Sprache, die formuliert dass die komplette Vertreibung Palästinenser aus Gaza - eins der größten Verbrechen die das internationale Recht kennt - fast noch zu mild ist, Trump zu freundlich und es eigentlich eine viel härtere Kollektivbestrafung brauche.

#Israel / Netanyahu admits to lying, implicating his “friends” in Israel Hayom scandal

#Netanyahu's history of lies and manipulation is being dissected in court.

In a surprising turn during his second day of testimony war criminal #Netanyahu admitted to directly influencing the editorial line of Israel Hayom, the free newspaper established with the help of the late Sheldon Adelson.

Netanyahu confessed to making frequent calls to Adelson and former editor-in-chief Amos Regev regarding political coverage, implying that all three previously lied to the court to conceal their connections.

For 15 years, Israel Hayom functioned as a propaganda outlet, promoting Netanyahu's agenda, suppressing negative information, and attacking his rivals, a fact supported by intelligence information and a comprehensive review by The Seventh Eye.

State witness Nir Hefetz corroborated this, testifying about Netanyahu's demands to attack Noni Mozes, whom Netanyahu and his wife considered a nemesis.

This admission comes as Netanyahu attempts to refute bribery charges in “Case 4000”, contrasting his actions with Israel Hayom to his lack of influence over news site Walla!, where he believed he couldn't manipulate coverage.

[…] Over the years, employees of Israel Hayom have reported that editor-in-chief Regev would frequently seclude himself in his office for long phone calls before press deadlines. These calls were followed by changes to the newspaper's front page and news sections, which, according to the employees, often served Netanyahu's personal interests.

After Adelson's death and Netanyahu's loss of power, Israel Hayom distanced itself from Netanyahu, highlighting the end of their alliance.



העין השביעית · בניסיון לחמוק מהאישום בשוחד, נתניהו הודה ששיקר לבית המשפט – והכתים גם את חבריו שלדון אדלסון ועמוס רגבבניסיון לחמוק מהאישום בשוחד, בנימין נתניהו הצהיר במפתיע כי נהג להעביר לבעלים של "ישראל היום" שלדון אדלסון ולעורך הראשי בקשות בנוגע לסיקור פוליטי • שלושתם מסרו בעבר לבית המשפט הצהרות הפוכות • בנוסף, נתניהו הודה לראשונה בעדותו: אני מי שהציע לאדלסון להקים את העיתון

#Israel / Noa Argamani denies fake reports in Israeli media she was beaten in captivity

"They beat me all over my body, my hair was cut," was quoted in quotation marks on the front page of "Israel Hayom", attributed to the released hostage Noa Argamani as a "shocking testimony".

But according to Noa Argamani herself, Israeli media is using her to spread fake news.

"I cannot ignore what happened here in the media in the last 24 hours, things were taken out of context. I was not beaten and my hair was not cut," she wrote on her Instagram account, "I was in a building that was bombed by the Air Force.

'At the end of this week, after the shooting, as I said, I had cuts all over my head, and I was injured all over my body'. (I emphasize that I was not beaten but was injured all over my body from the building collapsing on me). As a victim of October 7, I will not allow myself to be victimized again by the media."

#IsraelMedia #Ynet #IsraelHayom

Replied to MAU

, e hanno fatto sparire completamente la storia dai loro sommari delle notizie.
Semplicemente non è mai accaduta.
Gli altri grandi media, tranne , l'hanno relegata nelle ultime pagine, letteralmente o virtualmente.
L'hanno anche ammorbidita, rendendola più facile da digerire per i consumatori più sensibili: dopo tutto, non è così bello quando un soldato israeliano uccide un bambino.

Così il sito della televisione pubblica :“È stata annunciata la morte del palestinese di 3 anni colpito da un militare dell'IDF che ha sparato contro dei terroristi”.
È stata annunciata la morte del palestinese di 3 anni e, soprattutto, il militare ha sparato contro dei terroristi, non contro un bambino e il padre.

Tutto è già stato indagato ed è noto, la verità è come la volete voi. ⬇3

Replied to MAU

"Gli occhi lacrimano di commozione, il cuore si gonfia di orgoglio: i soldati delle forze di difesa israeliane hanno recuperato i corpi di due ebrei morti ad .

Gli occhi lacrimano, il cuore si gonfia: l'Operazione ha tirato fuori dalle macerie un bambino di 9 anni venerdì sera. Una squadra dell'IDF ha salvato 19 persone.
Come ogni cosa dell'IDF, l'operazione ha un nome infantile e il PR della più grande agenzia di PR del paese, l'Unità del portavoce dell'IDF.
è secondo solo all'Azerbaigian per dimensioni della missione di soccorso inviata in .
Forse il titolo di testa del quotidiano più diffuso in venerdì era "Una missione morale", come lo era quello di .
Il cuore si gonfia di orgoglio. ⬇2