What did our founding fathers say about the US as a #ChristianNation? Moreover, #ThomasJefferson took a razor blade to the #KingJamesBible and cut out all the #Supernatural and #Miracles. See the #JeffersonBible in the #Smithsonian. Buy a copy on #Amazon
#ThomasJefferson also expected the #Constitution should be rewritten every generation, ~25 years, no doubt to account for his enslaved children to have a shot at being enfranchised.
#USpol #Grönland #Grossmachtpolitik
#Trump träumt sich ins 19. Jahrhundert zurück und will es dem großen Präsidenten #ThomasJefferson gleichtun, der im Jahr 1803 im #LouisianaPurchase von #Napoléon für 15 Mio. USD durchführte.
Er will sich vom #USKongress zum Kauf von Grönland ermächtigen lassen:
"H.R.1161 - Ermächtigung des Präsidenten zur Aufnahme von Verhandlungen über den Erwerb Grönlands und zur Umbenennung Grönlands in „Rot-, Weiß- und Blauland“.
A few #ThomasJefferson #Quotes for you:
"When #Government fears the people, there is #Liberty. When the people fear the government, there is #Tyranny."
"When Tyranny Becomes Law, #Rebellion Becomes #Duty."
Make #MAGA scared, Boys & Girls!
Make MAGA *RUN*!!!
#AudreyHepburn (Yes, *the* Audrey Hepburn!)
Anyone else have names to share of other #ResistanceFighters throughout history? Looking to spread some #Hope that if *they* did it, *we* can too!!
Not likely from the man who created his own version of the Bible
with the supernatural bits removed!
"Jefferson's condensed composition excludes all miracles by Jesus and most mentions of the supernatural, including sections of the four gospels that contain the Resurrection and most other miracles, and passages that portray Jesus as divine."
https://www.wvtf.org/news/2024-12-11/guides-defy-administration-to-offer-student-led-tours-of-uva “the subject that gets the most pushback is the inclusion of enslavement and the emphasis on that” #uva #slavery #history #ThomasJefferson
What did the French Revolutionst and former Twitter Engineer say to the fascist Billionaire who bought his old company, when he got a new knife?
"Let that sink in."
"I have often thought that nothing would do more extensive good at small expense than the establishment of a small circulating #library in every county, to consist of a few well-chosen #books, to be lent to the people of the country under regulations as would secure their safe return in due time."
- #ThomasJefferson to John Wyche, May 19, 1809, from his papers at the Library of Congress
Those #elite wielding #power must ever be reminded their power flows from the consent of the #people; whose might, when roused, flows over them like a flood.
The only defense the powerful have ever devised is division; pitting the #class that would drown them, against one another.
The only defense the people have ever devised is uniting to instill the fear necessary to ensure their #demands are met.
Say what you will about #ThomasJefferson, but he understood this explicitly.
@tomcapuder @Ponygirl And there are some who have seen through the charade of God & The Bible. One is an American Forefather #ThomasJefferson who took a #RazorBlade to the #KingJames and cut out all the #SuperNatural and #Miracles to create the #JeffersonBible. See it in the #Smithsonian and buy it on #Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Jefferson-Bible-Smithsonian-Morals-Nazareth/dp/158834312X
I remember having a convo with this guy about how #ThomasJefferson had taken a teenaged girl as concubine, one who was his property as an enslaved person, and also the half-sister of his dead wife, later enslaving his own children with her.
His body language told me that this was painful information to hear, and also might have been the first time it was relayed to him.
@GregPalast What is the source for this quote? I can find a few variations included in longer drafts, but the words, if not the meaning, are quite different. #ThomasJefferson #DeclarationOfIndependence #Slavery https://www.blackpast.org/african-american-history/declaration-independence-and-debate-over-slavery/ https://www.loc.gov/exhibits/declara/ruffdrft.html
This is the first installment of a four-part podcast series from Behind the Bastards on #ThomasJefferson.
Highly recommend: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/behind-the-bastards/id1373812661?i=1000657774750
I’m 3 out of 4 episodes into this Behind the Bastards series on Thomas “Cognitive Dissonance” Jefferson.
It’s very educational.
To be fair, that was #ThomasJefferson
Thomas Jefferson, third president of the United States of America was born on 13th April 1743.
So today, here is a 1941 Jefferson Nickel with a lot of character - wear, and dirt and a hole you could drive a freight train through. This design was used from 1938 - 2003 and depicts the president on one side, and his Virginia home, Montecello, on the other.
Former President Donald Trump is now selling Bibles for $59.99, inscribed with the phrase "God Bless the USA" and accompanied by copies of the Constitution and Declaration of Independence. But he's not the first U.S. ex-president to sell Bibles for his own purposes. After leaving office, Thomas Jefferson put together "The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth” which was a private exercise undertaken to make sense of Jesus's teachings. The Miami Herald contrasts the two books, saying of Trump's Bible: “The use of flag imagery and political texts in conjunction with the bible suggests a dangerous politicization of Christianity and religion more broadly — the exact phenomenon that Jefferson feared.”
#History #Politics #Trump #ThomasJefferson @histodons #USA #USPolitics #Religion