Another feature that you can see in #ESAEuclid's first images: What are these? Satellite streaks ? Asteroids
? Superwoman (or Superman)
No, much smaller: these are traces by #CosmicRays , hitting #Euclid's #VIS and #NISP detectors directly, depositing energy and electric charges in their pixels.
Read more about all the features and objects you can see in #Euclid's #FirstLight images:
We have made a 5min film about #ESAEuclid #FirstLight
, what these images are, what #Euclid's #science will be, and what the next steps are towards science-ready images.
Can you interprete all the features that can be seen in #ESAEuclid's #FirstLight images? Streaks and blobs and dots - what are they?
We have compiled a detailed explainer:
Have you seen our #ESAEuclid #FirstLight images?
Below is just a teaser - here they are, in full glory:
Behold the #FirstLight of a new instrument called the #KeckPlanetFinder (KPF) on the #Keck 10-m telescope in Hawaii. The image is a rainbow (or spectrum) of a star named 51 Peg, made famous in 1995 as the first sun-like star known by humans to have a planet. KPF effectively opened its eyes to 51 Peg. And it did so on Carl Sagan’s birthday, November 9. Read more about how KPF will improve our searches for all those incredible things just waiting to be known here: #astrodon
Kuckuck! Da bin ich! #firstlight #partiellesonnenfinsternis
JWST First Light Images on 12 July 2022
That's a week away.