Nicola Sturgeon, the SNP and Branchform
A measured assessment (but that will not satisfy the haters and given the comments it has not)
Unionists are desperate to cripple any taslkj of indep3ndence and will do what it takes.
Nicola Sturgeon, the SNP and Branchform
A measured assessment (but that will not satisfy the haters and given the comments it has not)
Unionists are desperate to cripple any taslkj of indep3ndence and will do what it takes.
Yeah, but these false charges stopped the Independence movement in it's tracks, so it was worth it in the British State's mind.
And they'll do it again should any of the Colonial possessions get above themselves.
The moral vacuum that is the Labour Party today.
Speaking of the SNP, now that Sturgeons political career has been destroyed, I see the charges have been dropped.
Funny that.
Mad how half of Scotland just accepts being a Colonial fuckbucket for posh fuckos down South.....
A Police Scotland spokesperson said: "Following direction from the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service, criminal enquiries into two people arrested as part of the investigation into the funding and finances of the Scottish National Party have now concluded.
"The 73 year-old man (Beattie) arrested on 18 April, 2023, and the 54 year-old woman (Sturgeon ) arrested on 11 June, 2023, have not been charged and are no longer under investigation."
#SNP #Sturgeon
It is a given that Sturgeon will always be 'under investigation' and the bulk of the 'British' media will report it as such without question. How long can the 'establishment' keep up this farce? If there was any concern or urgency this would have been investigated and reported competently. However it is clearly in the interests of the state to keep this in the news.
Nicola Sturgeon and all of us. Starmer paves the way for Reofrm....
Here’s a shower curtain featuring my #sturgeon #paddlefish and #sturddlefish designs as one of my final #artadventcalender posts. My parents ordered this from Redbubble a while back and it’s probably still the only one of its kind.
@Wen @iaruffell Not that unfair on the #SNP. They made a good start under #Sturgeon, but have back-pedalled very sharply under her successors. #Swinney will not take any political risks to protect minorities.
Police ask for guidance in Sturgeon probe over SNP finances
'Senior Crown Office lawyers are considering whether there is sufficient evidence to prosecute Mr Murrell and whether it would be in the public interest to do so.’
How long can the British Establishment keep this up? Surely something new is going to have to be confected, after all the Holyrood Elections are a wee way off yet.
Please take lots of #MoonPhotos to share of the #August #FullMoon — The #Sturgeon #Moon — on Monday 19 Aug 2024 UTC 18:26.
There will be 6 more Full Moons before the #WormMoon on 14 Mar 2025, and the #TotalLunarEclipse marking the next #KrononautMoon — the night for welcoming #TimeTravelers. Check out @KronoMoon's article on for the latest Community #TimeTravel Research.
The Bay’s white #sturgeon are now facing such peril that the state has closed fishing for them while it considers listing the fish as a threatened species.
"There is a very strong connection between increasing water development and decline of the white sturgeon," as our science director @jarosenfield said to Bay Nature magazine. "We need to fix these problems, and if we don’t, we should consider these fish as harbingers of worse outcomes to come from unsustainable water management in California."
#cawater #fish #fishing #whitesturgeon #sfbay #sanfranciscobay #baywildlife @RestoreTheDelta
After a century away, #sturgeons return to Swedish waters
"scientists in June embarked on a 10-year project to reintroduce the Atlantic #sturgeon to a cleaned-up river in the west of the country... The #fish lived in the river until the late 19th century, but gradually disappeared due to #overfishing and #pollution. Today, the river is much cleaner and conditions are again right for the sturgeon"
@pilaraymara I can't help feeling that the choice of photograph to illustrate that story is a deliberate attempt to further besmirch Nicola #Sturgeon's reputation.
I've never been a fan of Sturgeon, but this seems very unfair; for all her faults I think she's an upright, decent, caring human being.
You can help our effort to get #SFBay white #sturgeon the #EndangeredSpeciesAct protections they need by signing on to our action alert:
White sturgeon are "designed to survive, and yet we're at risk of losing them because of the various ways that we're impacting the bay," as Baykeeper science director @jarosenfield explains, "I've compared them to the redwoods of the bay—the redwoods of the estuary—because they're gigantic, they live a long time and they see a lot in their lifetimes." #sturgeon #whitesturgeon #fish #californiafish #endangeredspecies #endangeredspeciesact
La policía de #Escocia vuelve a detener al marido de Nicola #Sturgeon, imputado por presunta malversación de fondos cuando era gerente del #SNP
#ReinoUnido #política #noticias
#Guardian frit
An English (SE) paper once radical it is wildly supportive of national autonomy - provided you are not #Welsh or #Scottish. #NI conflicts them.
So they now shy away from opening comments about anything to do with Scotland, indeed normally ignore it.
The latest - #Crace,a satirist almost always has comments open. But after a poor hatchet job on #Sturgeon, comments not allowed. They are obviously learningafter the last time he talked of #Holyrood.
No ‘gotcha’
I think the Wee Ginger Dug summed up the trial very well.
No, Pacific Quay, it really isn't. What is on the line here is the reputation of the British media in Scotland, which has treated this inquiry as an excuse to indulge in childish and overwrought point scoring against their favourite targets in the SNP and Scottish Government.
#CovidEnquiry #Sturgeon #BBC #ST#UnionistMedia #ScottishIndependence #WeeGingerDug
#BBCNews - Nicola #Sturgeon called Boris #Johnson a 'clown', inquiry hears