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One of my favorite #Petrofuture maps….The Mississippi River becomes a vast inland sea reaching up to Memphis. 
Of course New Orleans is gone. I mean, c’mon.

Melted ice caps on a 1956 Shell Oil road map. 

Higher-res images:

#climateChange #maps #cartography #climateCrisis #greenWashing #Louisiana #Mississippi #NewOrleans #worldBuilding #gulfOfMexico #MississippiRiver #Memphis


"Farmers are caught in a political brawl over climate and DEI language"

⚠️This one is a rare irony.⚠️

After years of greenwashing the animal farming industry with claims of #regenerative #grazing and similar pseudoscience, all sorts of #greenwashing funds beneficiaries have been caught in the crossfire of the new US "fossilphile" regime's war on anything "green" and or attempting to not turn the climate into a #hothouse #Earth state.

It's probably going to be a one off. In the article, the ranchers admit that it's "branding" trick to get more free money or to help charge more for sales. They will dump the "regenerative grazing" and "climate friendly beef" grift soon enough, as it doesn't really fit their business model. Well, these ones specifically may not change, but the ones who buy their lands and feed lots will change.

Bullshitting protects the status quo.

For more context on the "regenerative grazing" grift:








The Washington Post · Farmers are caught in a political brawl over climate and DEI languageBy Nicolás Rivero

Ja, landwirtschaftliche Newsletter machen wenig Spaß. Die vielen schrecklichen Meldungen aus der Tierhaltung kann einem echt den Tag vermiesen. Hier eine englischsprachige Meldung. Amerika exportiert #Rinder in die Kasachische Steppe, um dort das #grasland fürs #greenwashing zu verwenden. Mit ominösen Zahlen aus rein rechnerischen #kohlstoffspeichern sollen zertifikate für schmutzige Geschäfte generiert werden. Am Ende geht die Steppe kaputt und alles andere sowieso.

Inside Climate News · Turning Kazakhstan Into a Beef-Producing Machine, the American Way - Inside Climate NewsThe vast central Asian country has millions of acres of pastureland. Can it produce steaks and burgers that offset emissions—and earn carbon credits for them?

"Es gebe überhaupt keinen wissenschaftlichen Beweis, dass dadurch mehr Kohlenstoff eingelagert werde, und letztlich komme bei der Bevölkerung nur ein kleiner Teil an. „Es ist quasi ein Pakt mit dem Teufel“, so Counsell. „Man verkauft diese ganzen fragwürdigen Kohlenstoffkredite an genau jene Firmen, die den Planeten zerstören.“"
#greenwashing #afrika #tansania #ausbeutung #grasland #klimalügen #vw #rinder #kohlenstoffhandel #co2!6071555/

Ein Masai mit seiner Herde
TAZ Verlags- und Vertriebs GmbH · Rinderherden in Tansania: Wie VW versucht CO2-Emissionen zu kompensierenDie Maasai in Tansania sollen ihre Rinderherden für 40 Jahre regelmäßig von einer Weide auf die andere treiben. VW will so Kohlenstoff-Emissionen wettmachen.

@NatureMC @fulelo

Yes, this kind of #greenwashing is very common - that's the problem. The governeur is using the COP as a greenish cover-up to hide the project's real aim: reduce travel time for Belem's cars (which btw will induce even more car traffic and soon eat up all CO2 and time savings). I think journalists should not fall for this trick.

A COP is not Olympic Games, it's more like a trade fair. There is no huge audience. There were 9.5 million tickets sold for the games in Paris!

Well, the previous map was kinda boring, as far as these things go.

The South Carolina #Petrofuture map…things start to get interesting again. Plus, a preview of Florida! Everyone’s favorite sea rise map.

Melted ice caps on 1956 Shell Oil road map. 

Higher-res images:

#climateChange #maps #cartography #climateCrisis #outsiderArt #clifi #greenWashing #worldbuilding #Florida #SouthCarolina

InstagramColectivo Voces Ecológicas COVEC on Instagram: "Ministro de Economía Felipe Chapman deja clara evidencia de los efectos negativos de la empresa Minera Cobre Panamá. #Panama #Noticias #EcologiaPolitica #ConflictosSocioambientales #DerechosHumanos #JusticiaClimatica #TransicionEnergetica #PanamáValeMásSinMinería #Greenwashing #NoSomosunPaísMinero #Latinoamerica #Internacionales #News #Worldnews #Actualidad #Stessnews #Global #World #Breakingnews #Prensa #Newsalert #Newsupdate #Currentaffairs #Headlines #Latestnews #Worldnews #Humanrights"3 likes, 0 comments - radiotemblor on March 10, 2025: "Ministro de Economía Felipe Chapman deja clara evidencia de los efectos negativos de la empresa Minera Cobre Panamá. #Panama #Noticias #EcologiaPolitica #ConflictosSocioambientales #DerechosHumanos #JusticiaClimatica #TransicionEnergetica #PanamáValeMásSinMinería #Greenwashing #NoSomosunPaísMinero #Latinoamerica #Internacionales #News #Worldnews #Actualidad #Stessnews #Global #World #Breakingnews #Prensa #Newsalert #Newsupdate #Currentaffairs #Headlines #Latestnews #Worldnews #Humanrights".
InstagramColectivo Voces Ecológicas COVEC on Instagram: "Ministro de Economía Felipe Chapman deja clara evidencia de los efectos negativos de la empresa Minera Cobre Panamá. #Panama #Noticias #EcologiaPolitica #ConflictosSocioambientales #DerechosHumanos #JusticiaClimatica #TransicionEnergetica #PanamáValeMásSinMinería #Greenwashing #NoSomosunPaísMinero #Latinoamerica #Internacionales #News #Worldnews #Actualidad #Stessnews #Global #World #Breakingnews #Prensa #Newsalert #Newsupdate #Currentaffairs #Headlines #Latestnews #Worldnews #Humanrights"3 likes, 0 comments - radiotemblor on March 10, 2025: "Ministro de Economía Felipe Chapman deja clara evidencia de los efectos negativos de la empresa Minera Cobre Panamá. #Panama #Noticias #EcologiaPolitica #ConflictosSocioambientales #DerechosHumanos #JusticiaClimatica #TransicionEnergetica #PanamáValeMásSinMinería #Greenwashing #NoSomosunPaísMinero #Latinoamerica #Internacionales #News #Worldnews #Actualidad #Stessnews #Global #World #Breakingnews #Prensa #Newsalert #Newsupdate #Currentaffairs #Headlines #Latestnews #Worldnews #Humanrights".
InstagramColectivo Voces Ecológicas COVEC on Instagram: "Ministro de Economía Felipe Chapman deja clara evidencia de los efectos negativos de la empresa Minera Cobre Panamá. #Panama #Noticias #EcologiaPolitica #ConflictosSocioambientales #DerechosHumanos #JusticiaClimatica #TransicionEnergetica #PanamáValeMásSinMinería #Greenwashing #NoSomosunPaísMinero #Latinoamerica #Internacionales #News #Worldnews #Actualidad #Stessnews #Global #World #Breakingnews #Prensa #Newsalert #Newsupdate #Currentaffairs #Headlines #Latestnews #Worldnews #Humanrights"3 likes, 0 comments - radiotemblor on March 10, 2025: "Ministro de Economía Felipe Chapman deja clara evidencia de los efectos negativos de la empresa Minera Cobre Panamá. #Panama #Noticias #EcologiaPolitica #ConflictosSocioambientales #DerechosHumanos #JusticiaClimatica #TransicionEnergetica #PanamáValeMásSinMinería #Greenwashing #NoSomosunPaísMinero #Latinoamerica #Internacionales #News #Worldnews #Actualidad #Stessnews #Global #World #Breakingnews #Prensa #Newsalert #Newsupdate #Currentaffairs #Headlines #Latestnews #Worldnews #Humanrights".

Tea drinkers supporting modern day slavery. Rainforest Alliance and Fairtrade are marketing scams.