The 10 leading generative AI tools advanced Moscow’s disinformation goals by repeating false claims from the pro-Kremlin Pravda network 1 out if 3 times.

The 10 leading generative AI tools advanced Moscow’s disinformation goals by repeating false claims from the pro-Kremlin Pravda network 1 out if 3 times.
@RinostarGames @MugsysRapSheet @adavid I have worked and taught in Africa. This type of behavior is common in places like Uganda and Rwanda. Manipulation of media and #Psyops. It's just that this is the first time the populace of the US has experienced these techniques. #TheUSIsNaive
People brainwashed by corporate media are on social media, supporting a Nazi battalion. You can despise Trump and still realize Ukraine is a money laundering operation.
@palestine #cdnpoli
The CIA has launched a coordinated media campaign to advertise its new drone-based program against drug gangs. Unfortunately for the agency, there’s a mountain of evidence on decades of close cooperation with pushers. Thread
#garywebb #usa
In honor of Valentine’s Day, we celebrate the “League of Lonely War Women” (Verein Einsamer Kriegerfrauen), an Office of Strategic Services psyops effort created by Barbara Lauwers, a corporal in the Morale Operations Branch, which sought to undermine Axis morale & demoralize German soldiers that their wives or girlfriends were unfaithful.
#History #Fascism #NightOfTheLongKnives / #RöhmPutsch / #BloodPurge
Agreed.--However, #Bannon being one of the most dangerous players in this game, apart from #PeterThiel (brains and military high-tech) and #ElonMusk (financials,) I will not be sad at all when it happens. Being a #PsyOps mastermind, he simply *must* be seeing that he has it coming.
@FranceskaMann I agree that #PsyOps is at work. What is your plan for the system that is to replace the one you propose to burn down.
The ruling class is getting lazy with their psyops! New York Post Reporter somehow is allowed to tour the home of the New Orleans Terrorist within 48 hours
I'm not sure what I think about this:
Is the dog wagging the tail... or is the tail wagging the dog?
#SocialMedia #Psyops #Propoganda
My fear now, like that of #GeoffreyHinton, is that #Google #Gemini #ChatGPT #Cohere and #AI are the #NewFrontier of #PsyOps. Average people will no longer know what is real and the truth.
#PsyOps is a big deal. Too bad MANY people are not aware that they are part of it.
@emmalbriant @TalktoBeverley
#PsyOps for longer than that
Does the Trillateral Committee know anything regarding #transhumanism and/or #mind_uploading in #Japan?
PsyWar Enforcing the New World Order by Robert W. Malone, 2024
PsyWar: Enforcing the New World Order exposes the history and tactics of modern psychological warfare on the American people and offers a way forward for citizens to resist totalitarian control.
PsyWar is when a government coordinates and directs deployment of propaganda, censorship, and psychological operations (#psyops) tools in campaigns designed to manipulate public opinion.
BREAKING: Elon Musk-backed PAC is micro-targeting muslim areas with ads saying Harris stands with Israel and targeting jewish areas saying the opposite.
Proof that Musk is willing to further divide #America if he thinks it will help his candidate win.
Informed by @jsrailton & article by @jasonkoebler:
@404mediaco #elonmusk #disinformation #misinformation #psyops #fediverse #mastodon #kamalaharris #DonaldTrump @MisinformationVillage #twitter #x #isreal #palestine #gaza